Author Topic: Rate My Flight?  (Read 675 times)

Offline skorpx1

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Rate My Flight?
« on: July 13, 2014, 04:34:14 PM »
Alrighty, seeing that I have finally found the plane I like the most in game (Yak-3) I find that i'm performing much better.

What i'd like is to have you guys (and gals) to rate my flight and tell me how I could have improved this. From my perspective I did about 90% correct moves, and the rest are moves that would have killed me had MotCH found the flaw.

<S> to MotCH for providing a fun fight, was definitely one of my tougher runs here.   :salute   :cheers:

Offline glzsqd

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Re: Rate My Flight?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2014, 09:21:31 AM »
I guess ill take a swing at one of these.

For the most part, it looked to be a good demonstration of defensive flying. When you had gained the upper hand you showed good gunnery.

Only thing that stands out to me is there were a couple of times you tried to follow the P-51 up, Now you didn't quite hang yourself on your prop like a piņata but you did blow a lot of speed for no particular reason. It looked like you were trying to set up a shot, but the Pony had way to much smash and you continued to follow him even when he was well out of gun range. If the P51 recognized what you were doing he could have easily reversed  and shot you down while you were still slow from your steep climb.  After defeating an opponents attack, you need to be patient and just keep a shallow climb until he makes another go at you. Often enough, your attacker will get frustrated and start throttling down and even dropping a few flaps in order to get you.

I hope this helped.

Others feel free to tear down what ive just said.

Oh lol, umm id say your fight was a good 8/10.
See Rule #4

Offline skorpx1

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Re: Rate My Flight?
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2014, 10:19:17 AM »
I guess ill take a swing at one of these.

For the most part, it looked to be a good demonstration of defensive flying. When you had gained the upper hand you showed good gunnery.

Only thing that stands out to me is there were a couple of times you tried to follow the P-51 up, Now you didn't quite hang yourself on your prop like a piņata but you did blow a lot of speed for no particular reason. It looked like you were trying to set up a shot, but the Pony had way to much smash and you continued to follow him even when he was well out of gun range. If the P51 recognized what you were doing he could have easily reversed  and shot you down while you were still slow from your steep climb.  After defeating an opponents attack, you need to be patient and just keep a shallow climb until he makes another go at you. Often enough, your attacker will get frustrated and start throttling down and even dropping a few flaps in order to get you.

I hope this helped.

Others feel free to tear down what ive just said.

Oh lol, umm id say your fight was a good 8/10.

The times I followed him up, I underestimated his E and figured i'd make it. The time I was going straight into the sun is when I didn't even realize he was 1k out and I was trying to shoot. Looking at the sun in game is like staring directly at a welders arc. :bhead

Thanks for the review though, helps a lot.

Offline Volron

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Re: Rate My Flight?
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2014, 10:34:49 AM »
Damn it Latrobe!  You are being lazy! :bhead  Get your arse on this.  We want to see one of your dogfight reviews on this! :x
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
Quote from: Pyro
Quote from: Jolly
What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.

Offline Latrobe

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Re: Rate My Flight?
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2014, 01:38:27 PM »
Damn it Latrobe!  You are being lazy! :bhead  Get your arse on this.  We want to see one of your dogfight reviews on this! :x

Yes, yes I am lazy. Thank you for noticing.  :D  Been playing a ton of Planetside 2 and Secret World lately so haven't been on AH2 very much or checking the BBS very often. There seems to be quite a few of these review requests popping up in here! I love when people want to learn!  :aok

You're merge was not very good. You started your attack from his front quarter and this let him easily nose up into you (using very little of his speed doing so) and almost get a HO shot on you. What you should have done is leveled off to gain some speed. You were only cruising at 170mph and the Yak3 is pretty good at gaining speed quickly, so level off to gain some speed and check the status on the P-51. What's his alt? A little bit below us. What's his objective? This is difficult for me to determine since I wasn't there and have no idea what has been going on, but my guess from this film is he might be heavy with ords for the CV, or the field. Don't assume that though as he could very well be here looking for fighters to kill. If he's here for fighters, he will target our Yak. If he's here to bomb stuff then he might ignore us but more importantly he might be slow, and that's the other thing we want to figure out. How fast is he? As we gain our speed we want to figure out what speed the 51 is at. We can almost immediately determine that he is quite fast, so he's probably not carrying ords in which case he will most certainly be targeting fighters now. Now as we gain our speed we'll want to roll a little left to keep an eye on him and also start a very shallow turn into him to get behind him. We want to watch him carefully to see what he does. Will he ignore us and continue to the base? Or, will he turn up and into us? If he keeps going to the base then we can easily drop down onto his 6. If he comes up for us then we want to fly some lag pursuits and lag turns to fly towards his rear quarter. This will help save some of our speed while we force the 51 to use up his speed turning and climbing for us. Your merge with the 51, diving straight in on him from the front, gets you into a Head On pass and also throws away the vertical and horizontal separations you had that you would needed to start working the angles.

First turn back into him is very tight and this bleeds off a lot of what little speed you had. The 51 we saw had a ton of speed so this should have been a big hint to you that he had the ability to climb up to and you and then some. With the small amount of speed you had flying more passive with lag turns and lag pursuits would have been a good choice to save your speed. Wait for the 51 to make his move after he's climbed up. Let HIM waste speed while you gain speed. A Yak 3 can easily out maneuver a P51 so you can avoid his shots pretty easily. Luckily the 51 does not judge your speed correctly and doesn't capitalize on your stalling out.

First defensive turn starts out very good. Turning into him and up to create horizontal and vertical problems for him. The only problem is you reverse your turn a little early and this almost puts you right back into the 51s gun.

Now you seem to have recognized that you didn't climb with him the first time so you're not going to be able to do it a this time either. You do the right thing and break off him but then you make some mistakes. What you should have done is a shallow climb away from him. Get some speed up if you're low on speed and start working away at his altitude advantage. Wait until he makes the first move and comes in to attack you and then start your defensive turn. If he breaks off his attack run early, then break off your defensive turn and keep climbing away from him. What you did by split-s'ing back into him is not a good move. For one it loses you some of your altitude that you want to keep. You don't want to be intentionally losing altitude, you're opponent is suppose to be trying to force you to do that, don't do his work for him  :) . The other thing this is doing is wasting E (both kinetic and potential). As I pointed out you lose altitude (potential E) but maneuver of any kind, especially tight turns like you did through the split-s, use kinetic E (speed).

The 51 sees the mistake you made and he goes vertical to try and rope you. You almost bite but you realize you're not going to make that climb and do the right thing breaking off to regain speed. Again, a shallow climb away from him would be a great choice right here.

Second defensive turn and again it starts out perfect, turning up and into the 51 to create problems for him but again you reverse it just slightly too early. Had the 51 had slightly better gunnery he would have read your reversal the instant you did it and corrected for a brief shot opportunity. Still though, I think I should point out that the reversal on this defensive turn was much better than the previous one. You were only very slightly early on the reversal so it still would get a passing grade in my book.  ;)

Now some interesting things go on in this next turn. You see the 51 rolling over the top to come down for another attack run and you start your turn nicely and in fairly ok position. Your mistake is pulling hard into the 51 trying to get your nose on him. This gets you nose to nose with him and he could very easily shoot you (though you could shoot him too, but it's always best to avoid the enemies guns at all times). The 51 however does not shoot. This tells us he is possibly one of those pilots who does not shoot on head on passes. We can use this against him to win the fight! If we can't get into position to avoid a shot then we can just put our nose on him and he will likely hold fire (don't count on it 100% of the time though as he may change his mind about holding fire at some point). What I personally would have done in this situation is kept a loose turn going up and into the 51 and keep my lift vector behind his 3-9 line. This will help me get inside his turn as he comes down and force him to pull an ever tightening turn bleeding some speed while my looser turn has helped save some speed. This saved speed will help in neutralizing the altitude advantage he holds.

Now you are able to just get up to the 51s altitude and you fly perfectly for the next couple turns. When you get into the rolling scissors fight around the 5:07 mark one thing I did notice is your lift vector was either placed on or ahead of the 51. This works in this instance because the Yak 3 can turn tighter than the P51 so this tighter turning ability helps keep you inside his turn while you cut the corner to close distance by putting your lift vector on or ahead of him. Remember though that in a plane that has an equal or worse turning rate/radius (I still don't know which correct term it is  :o ) that you want to keep that lift vector behind him to fly to his 6. Putting your lift vector on or ahead of them in those situations can have you overshooting them in seconds and putting you in a very bad situation.

51 makes a nice and clever decision to climb into the sun to give you very difficult shot but this only works if he can stay in the sun. Now that you have neutralized the altitude advantage he had you can now climb with him and you land some hits as he is forced to dive out of the sun.

Back into the rolling scissors again and you do a great job staying behind him and setting up shots. When the 51 reverses him turn and you overshoot him you make the right decision by going vertical. At these speed the Yak 3 has a climbing advantage on the 51. Climb up, roll over, and attack again just like you did.

Offline Latrobe

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Re: Rate My Flight?
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2014, 01:39:08 PM »

First and foremost put some more practice into your merge. If all your merges are like this one then that's going to be a big problem in all of your fights. While the fight is not won or lost on the merge (as this film shows pretty well) a good merge can help significantly in winning the fight. If you have the altitude advantage going into the merge, keep the altitude advantage. Make them waste speed climbing to you. If you don't have the altitude advantage and can't climb up to them then don't waste the speed trying. Shallow climb away from them and let them come down to you while you slowly work away at that altitude. Create and keep horizontal and vertical separation. This creates lots of angles to work with and makes shots more difficult for your opponent.

Your defensive fighting appears to be weaker than your offensive fighting. You did start your defensive turns perfectly but the first one your reversed just a little too early and almost gave the 51 a shot. The second one was timed a bit better but your did slightly wing stall as well. Closure rate will tell you when you need to reverse your turn. Someone closing in on you very quickly and in a plane that handles badly at high speed you can reverse your turn out to 800 yards. Someone closing fast and in a plane that does handle well at high speed will see that distance drop to around 500 yards. Someone closing in slowly you will need to create some very sharp angles against and reverse just as they get to gun range.

Against someone who has the altitude advantage remember that your main goal is the neutralize that altitude advantage by shallow climbing away from him and either getting to his altitude or waiting for him to make a mistake.

Don't be so aggressive all the time. Sometimes it's best to be passive and just wait things out a little such as shallow climbing away from a higher opponent, or making looser lag turns or lag pursuit to gain better positioning before going on the offensive.

Work on judging E states a little as well. You kept biting onto the rope a couple times when it should have been clear you weren't going to make it. If you have even the slightest bit of doubt that you won't make this climb then don't even try. Save the speed.

I think that's everything, hope this helps.  :cheers: :salute

(apparently I exceeded 10000 characters.  :(  :o   )

Offline skorpx1

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Re: Rate My Flight?
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2014, 01:58:10 PM »
 :eek: Dat wall of text tho!


Read it all and i'll try to put that into practice some more. Thanks for reviewing it for me!  :cheers:  :salute  :banana:

Offline Volron

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Re: Rate My Flight?
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2014, 03:23:50 PM »
We wanted video!!! :bhead

*cracks whip*  GET TO IT! :D
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
Quote from: Pyro
Quote from: Jolly
What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.

Offline Latrobe

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Re: Rate My Flight?
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2014, 08:20:42 PM »
Video reviews take several days to put together. This way is quicker.  :D

Offline Volron

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Re: Rate My Flight?
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2014, 09:35:27 PM »
But they are flashier. :x :rock
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
Quote from: Pyro
Quote from: Jolly
What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.