I was about to make another thread, based on what I thought the title meant. I will title this "eat what you kill". This has more to do with the way kills are credited (and in no way a whine). What I would like to discuss is that our cartoon pilots are much more daring and willing to stay inside badly damaged aircraft and even continue to fight long after, survival instinct would have caused most WW2 pilots to bail.
Out of habit, I try and take as many opportunities at shooting the red guys without crazy gluing myself to his 6 until he finally succumbs to my firepower. Instead, I try and keep whatever momentum that I have to the max and position myself for another attack, all the time looking around for other red guys. Many times in the event that one of my damaged opponents receives another damaging blow from someone else, I am still credited with the kill even though I gave up the pursuit long ago.