I think they are black, but it is anybodies guess as to what color the cut in parts of the stencils are. They seem to be a lighter color than the yellow of the tail.
Also, I don't want to seem ungrateful here but it appears to me that your placement of the "wee willie" on the nose is too far aft. "wee" seems centered under the exhaust stack and the first half of "willie" is also under the exhaust as well. If it is too much trouble to move it then no worries. Thanks again Vraciu.
Agreed that the nose art is too far back. It also looks like it should be black while the insignia and it's lettering should be insignia blue semi gloss.
As for the spacing between the numbers on the tail, I don't think they are painted. It is a different color but I think it might be bare metal instead of the yellow that would have been there. If it's not, it's possibly a shade of white.
As for the glare shield, it looks too black. I would try changing it to a more olive color. It looks to be a lighter shade so try RGB: 95/94/78. I would also put a black mark around the prop spindle near the back to simulate a gap there. This will keep the spindle from looking like it's fused with the rest of the aircraft.