Author Topic: Hey Earl!  (Read 892 times)

Offline Puma44

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Hey Earl!
« on: July 27, 2014, 06:14:19 AM »
 :aok Great job, as usual, planning and leading missions last night.  You calm, cool, and collected demeanor makes it a pleasure to participate.   :salute.                     :airplane:

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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2014, 08:24:23 AM »
:aok Great job, as usual, planning and leading missions last night.  You calm, cool, and collected demeanor makes it a pleasure to participate.   :salute.                     :airplane:

I was in a couple of ET's missions last night. While I appreciate that someone RUNS missions all I saw was a horde. And when that horde was stymied at 233 it ran and did a quick grab on 209, leaving goon drivers stranded halfway to the target.  Instead of bailing a regroup might have still gotten the base. At the time there were still a few fighters working to cap 233 a few goons halfway.... which could have circled or took a longer and less likely path to the base while 6 or 8 guys waited to up heavy fighters TOGETHER instead of making the old "conga line".

But that is what is wrong with mission planners/leaders today. They really do neither (plan nor lead). They call out for guys to join, give no real instruction/direction, have no real plan, and bail out as soon as a fight develops. The capture is only important as long as it can happen quickly with as little obstruction as possible.

The Bish were crying last night... well ok it was only a couple of loudmouths... about being ganged last night. Ya well I guess it was there turn. I'm sure they are rolling the map as I am typing, after all kids get up early on weekends  :neener: The point is the missions run last night were all on the Bish, 2 hordes worth from the rook side. A good planner would have taken off against the Knit in the north to create MORE fights. There is also nothing wrong with easing up on the BISH in that situation as this IS a game that were are playing and we are suppose to be having fun. Being the ones "stuck in the barrel" is NEVER fun and is a situation that is easy to remedy if we all play nice. It doesn't mean "let the other guys win", it means don't kick them when they are down.

Picture instead of being stuck following 2 hordes against a lightly defended front (ROOK), say 2,3,or 4 battles going on against both Knits and Bish, 10,15 vs 10,15. There would still be spot for even smaller groups to NOE a shore base here or there if they NEEDED to do something with out fighting for it. Wouldn't it be more fun to have a number of battles to choose from? Wouldn't it be better to NOT have 3 hordes hitting you from 2 directions and spend the night in hopeless defense (BISH). Wouldn't it be better to not have only one real fight going on and it be a horde against lightly defended bases (Knits)?

It's all player controlled, but will the players control it?

Offline Puma44

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2014, 10:20:11 AM »
I was in a couple of ET's missions last night. While I appreciate that someone RUNS missions all I saw was a horde. And when that horde was stymied at 233 it ran and did a quick grab on 209, leaving goon drivers stranded halfway to the target.  Instead of bailing a regroup might have still gotten the base. At the time there were still a few fighters working to cap 233 a few goons halfway.... which could have circled or took a longer and less likely path to the base while 6 or 8 guys waited to up heavy fighters TOGETHER instead of making the old "conga line".

But that is what is wrong with mission planners/leaders today. They really do neither (plan nor lead). They call out for guys to join, give no real instruction/direction, have no real plan, and bail out as soon as a fight develops. The capture is only important as long as it can happen quickly with as little obstruction as possible.

The Bish were crying last night... well ok it was only a couple of loudmouths... about being ganged last night. Ya well I guess it was there turn. I'm sure they are rolling the map as I am typing, after all kids get up early on weekends  :neener: The point is the missions run last night were all on the Bish, 2 hordes worth from the rook side. A good planner would have taken off against the Knit in the north to create MORE fights. There is also nothing wrong with easing up on the BISH in that situation as this IS a game that were are playing and we are suppose to be having fun. Being the ones "stuck in the barrel" is NEVER fun and is a situation that is easy to remedy if we all play nice. It doesn't mean "let the other guys win", it means don't kick them when they are down.

Picture instead of being stuck following 2 hordes against a lightly defended front (ROOK), say 2,3,or 4 battles going on against both Knits and Bish, 10,15 vs 10,15. There would still be spot for even smaller groups to NOE a shore base here or there if they NEEDED to do something with out fighting for it. Wouldn't it be more fun to have a number of battles to choose from? Wouldn't it be better to NOT have 3 hordes hitting you from 2 directions and spend the night in hopeless defense (BISH). Wouldn't it be better to not have only one real fight going on and it be a horde against lightly defended bases (Knits)?

It's all player controlled, but will the players control it?
The problem with that last night was not of Earl's doing.  There were too many guys, one in particular, who were trying to be in charge instead of following and sticking with the plan.  Every hear the saying "Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians"?  Well that's exactly what happened last night.  We could have made 233 happen had it not have been for the extra Chiefs deciding it was too hard and pulling off to go somewhere else.  I was one of the goons, had landed, and tried to sneak the town as all the extra chiefs ran off to their own objective in the midst of Earl's.  I got over town and dropped my troops and because we no longer had effective air cover, the troops and I were shot down. There were two opponents over town at the time, that I saw, easily controlled by our previous air cover.

One of the extra "chiefs" last night was so busy yelling at everyone in Earl's subsequent mission, telling them what to do, he didn't notice I had snuck my goon in close to town, landed, and released my troops as he was repeatedly yelling at me to get my troops in to town and release them.  The only thing he was accomplishing was jamming up the radio with his constant yapping.

I agree that most mission planners don't.  But, Earl is the exception.  The root problem is all the extra expert chiefs who aren't capable of following, listening up to the mission lead, and being good wingmen.  The best flight leads are those who were the best wingmen.  

You mentioned the "old conga line".  A very typical in game scenario.  If the lead guy is at max power, no one is going to catch up without using WEP, if available.  Additionally, if those following don't get with it and rejoin, the old conga line forms quickly.  Again, if lead doesn't reduce climb power and give those following some power advantage, the old conga line will typically stay that way to the target.  A technique rarely seen in game is for lead to circle the field to get the entire mission package formed up before proceeding outbound.  A tight formation, especially with bombers, provides more effective mutual support.
When there are a bunch of chiefs all trying to be in charge and modifying the plan, a horde quickly forms.  Earl has a great squad of guys, who are well trained, and disciplined.   :salute
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 11:18:07 AM by Puma44 »

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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2014, 11:20:58 AM »
Like I said, I wasn't blaming Earl, but also if your going to lead, LEAD! He could have put his foot down and said"OK, this is what we are going to do...." and he would have been leading. This seems to be the way many of the players are these days. When the way gets tuff.... lets go some place else. Earl fell into by NOT taking command of his mission and letting other "chiefs" talk him out of leading.

Players these days don't want to FIGHT for the base, they just want to take it.

Also, had Earl launched a mission up north he would still have gotten a good showing of people and it would have spread the fights out making it more fun for everyone. I know what it takes to herd cats in this game. Mission planners/leader don't get to "play" the game if they lead properly. There is a lot to do to keep all those cats pointed in the right direction to make the missions work/fun.

Offline Puma44

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2014, 03:17:42 PM »
Like I said, I wasn't blaming Earl, but also if your going to lead, LEAD! He could have put his foot down and said"OK, this is what we are going to do...." and he would have been leading. This seems to be the way many of the players are these days. When the way gets tuff.... lets go some place else. Earl fell into by NOT taking command of his mission and letting other "chiefs" talk him out of leading.

Players these days don't want to FIGHT for the base, they just want to take it.

Also, had Earl launched a mission up north he would still have gotten a good showing of people and it would have spread the fights out making it more fun for everyone. I know what it takes to herd cats in this game. Mission planners/leader don't get to "play" the game if they lead properly. There is a lot to do to keep all those cats pointed in the right direction to make the missions work/fun.

LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY.  ET certainly knows how to lead and for the most part has a solid group of followers, especially his squad, in his missions.  Last night, the problem was several that were neither leading or following, and sure couldn't GET OUT OF THE WAY.  So, they continued jamming up the radio, preventing those still dedicated to the mission from carrying on.

We can arm chair quarterback the decision to go north or any other direction.  The point being, ET made a call and went with it.  LEADERSHIP with guys willing to follow it.

As far as the Bish feeling ganged, maybe it's a lack of seeing well led missions coming to their sandbox.  Regardless, it's a game.  Have fun with it.  I always find ET's missions fun to join.  :salute

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Offline Randy1

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2014, 07:29:18 AM »
You need to try an Earl TBM mission.  You have about a 10% chance of survival.

Offline earl1937

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2014, 11:52:15 AM »
You need to try an Earl TBM mission.  You have about a 10% chance of survival.
:airplane: Yeah Randy, but they are a lot of fun and the only reason I do them is to give the guys something different to do occasionally.
Blue Skies and wind at my back and wish that for all!!!

Offline Randy1

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2014, 01:31:47 PM »
:airplane: Yeah Randy, but they are a lot of fun and the only reason I do them is to give the guys something different to do occasionally.


Offline earl1937

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2014, 03:24:36 PM »
:aok Great job, as usual, planning and leading missions last night.  You calm, cool, and collected demeanor makes it a pleasure to participate.   :salute.                     :airplane:
:airplane: I appreciate everyone's comments! One of the things which I have noticed is that the guys in here, at least 90% of them, enjoy this make-believe game and what I enjoy doing is add some items to the radio chatter in order to try to make it more realistic.
Sometimes I will have a "dialog" of inter aircraft crewman comms and sometimes communication with ground stations....It is no trouble to do but the guys like the "immersion" which just that little touch adds to their flight.
Sometime in the very near future, I plan on having a "1000" bomber raid on Frankfurt, Germany, complete with dialog and if the person I am talking with on the "other" side can prevail, there will only be prop driven German fighters to attack us with and of course that would be a great re-enactment of that particular raid by the 8th Air Force.
I am not trying to take away from the AVA or other arenas which hold special events, its just that the main arena needs a little "jazzing up" sometimes and this is a way to do it.
I just had a new guy come into the game, who told me he was going to leave after the 2 week trail but after flying 3 missions with us, the Devil Dogs, he has decided to stay. That is one of my main goals is to encourage the new guys to stay and play the game with us. I would be tickled pink as they say, if I logged on some night and there was 550 players logged into the main late war arena. HELP ME OUT HI TECH, PUT SOMETHING ON THE CLIPBOARD WHICH TELLS ALL THERE IS A MISSION POSTED!
Blue Skies and wind at my back and wish that for all!!!

Offline Randy1

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2014, 04:40:56 PM »


Nothing worse than being at the radar line and see a mission lifting in two minutes.

It could even be just an M like the red R for record.

Offline Puma44

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2014, 05:07:49 PM »
:airplane: I appreciate everyone's comments! One of the things which I have noticed is that the guys in here, at least 90% of them, enjoy this make-believe game and what I enjoy doing is add some items to the radio chatter in order to try to make it more realistic.
Sometimes I will have a "dialog" of inter aircraft crewman comms and sometimes communication with ground stations....It is no trouble to do but the guys like the "immersion" which just that little touch adds to their flight.
Sometime in the very near future, I plan on having a "1000" bomber raid on Frankfurt, Germany, complete with dialog and if the person I am talking with on the "other" side can prevail, there will only be prop driven German fighters to attack us with and of course that would be a great re-enactment of that particular raid by the 8th Air Force.
I am not trying to take away from the AVA or other arenas which hold special events, its just that the main arena needs a little "jazzing up" sometimes and this is a way to do it.
I just had a new guy come into the game, who told me he was going to leave after the 2 week trail but after flying 3 missions with us, the Devil Dogs, he has decided to stay. That is one of my main goals is to encourage the new guys to stay and play the game with us. I would be tickled pink as they say, if I logged on some night and there was 550 players logged into the main late war arena. HELP ME OUT HI TECH, PUT SOMETHING ON THE CLIPBOARD WHICH TELLS ALL THERE IS A MISSION POSTED!

Good idea.  Like a "ATTENTION ALL CREWS: OPORD POSTED.  LAUNCH AT XX:XX" banner flashing on the clipboard map that could be deleted with a boxed X once read.   :salute

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Offline Zoney

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2014, 05:44:32 PM »
I think it's a good idea to have something pop up that will be noticed.

One line, 2 words in the country text buffer "Mission Posted".  Keep it simple, anyone interested can then pull up their clipboard and check it out and join, or not.
Wag more, bark less.

Offline matt

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2014, 07:49:11 PM »
Mission up ______________sign in  "free beer" gets them every time dont need to ask twice. :cheers:

Offline Volron

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Re: Hey Earl!
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2014, 07:54:07 PM »
I think it's a good idea to have something pop up that will be noticed.

One line, 2 words in the country text buffer "Mission Posted".  Keep it simple, anyone interested can then pull up their clipboard and check it out and join, or not.

I agree, keep it simple.  Mission Posted!  Of course, it would be in Help Orange, or maybe in Collision White? :headscratch:  But what if you could click on it to automatically pull up the board for the mission?  Just have an option to use this bit or not for those who don't care. :headscratch:
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
Quote from: Pyro
Quote from: Jolly
What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.