Author Topic: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell  (Read 9577 times)

Offline ozrocker

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #105 on: August 09, 2014, 07:44:32 AM »
 :salute Latrobe
Cya in 2 weeks :aok

                                                                                                                                                           :cheers: Oz
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Offline caldera

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #106 on: August 09, 2014, 07:47:32 AM »
If I was anywhere near as good as Latrobe, this game would bore me too.  Luckily there is no chance of that ever happening.  :banana:
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 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
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 For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods."

Online The Fugitive

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #107 on: August 09, 2014, 09:39:53 AM »

P.S. You know Fugi, this attitude you take with me, as if you were talking to a person who knows not whereof he begins to wear a bit thin. I've posted sufficient film of myself fighting more maneuverable planes in a Mustang to dispel any ignorance you may have had on this matter. Thus you are now verging on vindictive falsehood.  I will leave you with a bit of advice: If you quit blaming the "dweebery" of others for your lack of effectiveness and turn your gaze towards yourself, you may begin to progress as a fighter pilot. Take this attitude: If you get shot down, it is your fault. No matter what happened, somewhere along the line YOU made wrong choices for that situation. If you maneuver into an advantageous position but the opponent runs away, it is still YOUR fault. You should have shot better, lured him in better, or picked a faster plane. Still can't find action? Take a P-51, D9, or Jug and fly it below the crowd. I guarantee that there will be many, many planes willing to attack you. Survival and victory will depend on your reversal and gunnery skills, but you're up to the challenge, right ace? You might also try studying a little bit of the aerodynamics related to ACM, as mistaken notions there can lead to one making wrong choices in dogfighting.

My problem is calling out falsehoods, I don't like BS artists. Many times the walls of text you throw have this element in it and I try to point these little things out so other don't take them as "gospel". Think of it as a community service.  :D As far as flying, Im sorry my score isn't as good as you seem to think it should be. My comments on the game and game play are not for just my benefit, but all players as I have seen this game at its best and only wish to see it climb back to those heights. I know my "skills" as a cartoon pilot will never be in the same league as Latrobe and I'm ok with that. I just don't have the time to put into it. Again, Im ok with that. Todays players don't seem to WANT to be the same type of players Latrobe is..... one of the best. Maybe, like me they just don't have the time, but at least Im not running. Ill stick out until a mistake finds me in the tower again. 

Latrobe is a different breed of player.... a dieing breed unfortunately. Today we are stuck with score hounds, and lemming rolling bases. One avoids fights because with out all the advantages they may mess up their score, the other avoids fights to suicide into the hanger they are trying to get down. This is why the fights are drying up. I see Latrobes points, and agree with his assessment. Still I'd take 100 Latrobes over a thousand players like we have today. 

Offline Copprhed

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #108 on: August 09, 2014, 10:07:34 AM »
My problem is calling out falsehoods, I don't like BS artists. Many times the walls of text you throw have this element in it and I try to point these little things out so other don't take them as "gospel". Think of it as a community service.  :D As far as flying, Im sorry my score isn't as good as you seem to think it should be. My comments on the game and game play are not for just my benefit, but all players as I have seen this game at its best and only wish to see it climb back to those heights. I know my "skills" as a cartoon pilot will never be in the same league as Latrobe and I'm ok with that. I just don't have the time to put into it. Again, Im ok with that. Todays players don't seem to WANT to be the same type of players Latrobe is..... one of the best. Maybe, like me they just don't have the time, but at least Im not running. Ill stick out until a mistake finds me in the tower again. 

Latrobe is a different breed of player.... a dieing breed unfortunately. Today we are stuck with score hounds, and lemming rolling bases. One avoids fights because with out all the advantages they may mess up their score, the other avoids fights to suicide into the hanger they are trying to get down. This is why the fights are drying up. I see Latrobes points, and agree with his assessment. Still I'd take 100 Latrobes over a thousand players like we have today. 
Amen to that, Fugitive. While i enjoy GVing too, the fight is what gives me the most pleasure. If people want to win the easy way, with no real CHALLENGE that's their business, they pay like I do. The FACT of the matter is, their score is a pretty veneer put onto a cheap backing. no substance underneath. Their score is a facade.
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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #109 on: August 09, 2014, 10:13:43 AM »
And that is why you don't see me in the MA with the wannabes (and you know who you are) and only fly the DA.

 :salute Latrobe

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #110 on: August 09, 2014, 10:21:50 AM »
I honestly enjoy all aspects of the game, unlike most others there is enough variety to keep me hooked when I get bored with a certain type of play.  But the thing that keeps me coming back is the great dogfights; even, outnumbered, hoards, there are fights everywhere.  

Occasionally a specific type of dogfight or furball (usually the good natured evenish ones) may not exist for a certain country, or maybe not even for any other country.   Which means you are forced to either join the other type of fights that aren't your cup of tea, or log off.  Sometimes the reason we don't like the other types of fighting is because they require us to perhaps fly a little farther, or a different route, or altitude, or we expect our type of gameplay to be served to us on a silver platter.  But I can promise you, there are great fights to be uncovered in almost every situation we get presented with in the MA, and are very easily started if they aren't currently present.

I have not noticed any decline in what I consider good ol' dogfighting since I began in 2003.  If anything, there has been an influx in new players over the last few years that have excelled exceptionally fast and actually tried hard to become good sticks, they have replaced the gaps a lot of the old breed left when they cancelled.

You are always a fun fight Latrobe, win or lose, you're one of those rare pilots that always insure a minute or two of fun when confronted.  But there are plenty of others out there who give great fights, try to keep things fair, and win or lose enjoy the fights, I'm sorry you can't find them.

I can guarantee, if you tune with me to a vox, I can find you a fun fight whenever you want, that's a 100% guarantee.   I just find it offensive when I have easily 10+ good fights every single night, to hear such a seasoned vet exclaim how dogfighting is dead in the MA.  
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Offline potsNpans

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #111 on: August 09, 2014, 11:21:26 AM »
Only Latrobe I knows is Latrobe Brewing Company, oh wait that's gone also. Hope you find a fun hobby like building butterflies, I mean come on who doesn't like a challenge? Keep smiling.

Offline danny76

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #112 on: August 09, 2014, 02:23:41 PM »
Remove score entirely - change gameplay entirely :old:
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Offline Rich46yo

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #113 on: August 09, 2014, 02:27:04 PM »
Latrobe struck me as a guy never afraid to fight no matter what the odds. Definitely a much better flier then his stats might show.

Ive seen him mostly in P-38s where he and a wingman can often swing a losing battle into a win, a draw, or at least a prolonged skirmish. He has saved my butt more then a few times.
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Offline scott66

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #114 on: August 09, 2014, 03:00:24 PM »
Remove score entirely - change gameplay entirely :old:
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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #115 on: August 09, 2014, 03:25:44 PM »
Remove score entirely - change gameplay entirely :old:
+2  Hiya Danny!
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Offline McShark

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #116 on: August 09, 2014, 04:01:09 PM »
And another one gone....


Hope to see ya back someday!  :pray
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #117 on: August 09, 2014, 04:16:32 PM »
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Offline zack1234

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #118 on: August 09, 2014, 04:50:45 PM »
Remove score entirely - change gameplay entirely :old:


Score = Nothing
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Offline McShark

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Re: <S> AH2 Community and Farewell
« Reply #119 on: August 09, 2014, 05:12:06 PM »
Remove score entirely - change gameplay entirely :old:

The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. -Charles Bukowski
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