Author Topic: Is aces high different from how you remembered it  (Read 401 times)

Offline Skyguns MKII

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Is aces high different from how you remembered it
« on: August 12, 2014, 01:39:29 PM »
A while back i chose to withdrawal my subscription for a few reasons. The first 2 being i did not have the time or money since iv been going to school 40 hours a week and waking up at 5:30 to make a class at 7:30 and same thing with the drive home. The last reason being that if i really wanted to stay on and make it work i could specially after when i received a raise from work.  I would much rather have something to do other than watch television or go out after I'm done doing my college work. heck a beer and aces high after a day of hard studying or work would sound appealing to most of us  :cheers:. This brings myself into the forums here and there IL make post of interest yet i will be honest after a good friend left aces high, a truly great flyer and wingman at that, only then iv started to notice where aces high was going and seeing multiple post about it makes it hard not to notice. I left after tank town and the strat system changed and ever sense the colossal maps iv seen a at first slow but then rapid decline of players. My third reason point being that i am strolling through these forums looking for a reason to come back and looking for change for the better but have seen nothing yet.

I'm Wishing that this next update will be one well worth it. Iv seen a wonderful community of players for lack of other words, go from small town happy environment to a deprived village. I remember an active happy small yet active community with beautiful diversity. Interesting people to meet and no shortage of fun or things to do on aces high. Iv played this game since i was a annoying little squeaker and never had i thought i could love a game so much. I wasn't like any of my peers. i loved WWII history and technology and had little friends and found myself playing this game before i was even a teen. Begging my pops to pay for it and negotiating with chores constantly and now i find myself pursuing a passion and going to school to become a aviation maintenance technician. To me aces high wasn't just a game. It was a inspiration and a constructive way out from every day troubles like many of you. You may be thinking "wow this kids a nerdo and loves this game too much what a dweeb" well yes and no. When i say inspiration i don't necessary mean game play. The people i would meet with again, a beautiful diversity. Pilots, Vets, mechanics, engineers, professors, hobbyist, etc. etc. As a kid no older than 13 and a passion most peers don't appreciate who better to share it with? I can honestly say that the people i met then had at least a part to play in what I'm doing now. Aces high wasn't just a game, it was a actual COMMUNITY. A community in which you could drink a beer and shoot the poop with a squaddie while on a mission, or just doing some good ol 1v1. Learning about tactics from your rival and sending a "lets do that again" in PM. or "good fight!" or the occasional tease or taunt or even argument. I remember when squads would have that one guy on the other team. The one that they would dip from whoever they were fighting just to shoot him down while hes laughing at it. Or flying a few hour long bombing mission and talking about interest or just joking around until a black spot appeared or bombardier was in action.

These were good times. The community was great the game play was intense. It was a pleasure and i hope soon things change for the better so i can come back on and know IL be happy about it.          

Offline Slate

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Re: Is aces high different from how you remembered it
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2014, 02:12:46 PM »
   All things change some good some bad. With Aces High the change would be quite regular with added Planes or Vehicles and different maps. It has been awhile for changes as they transition to a higher quality experience. The strat changes I think may have been the last tweak we have seen.
   It's good you have focused on real life as this game should not interfere with work or loved ones time.  :aok

   We do have a good Community here and need to treat each other with respect like any social situation. Emotions like anger and frustration that the intense competition of this game can cause some to lose their cool. Lucky for us we can't run out on a crowded racetrack.  :pray

   I see many former players that browse these boards because the allure for the AH experience is still there.  :airplane:
I always wanted to fight an impossible battle against incredible odds.