Author Topic: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28  (Read 16036 times)

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #135 on: August 19, 2014, 03:23:22 PM »
Real DAers and duelers don't argue about HOs because we don't ever do them even if we come "close" to it being a " front quartershot". Like I said it just takes away from the "skill" and "fun" aspect of a duel.
The Damned(est. 1988)
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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #136 on: August 19, 2014, 03:33:17 PM »
Real DAers and duelers don't argue about HOs because we don't ever do them even if we come "close" to it being a " front quartershot". Like I said it just takes away from the "skill" and "fun" aspect of a duel.

That your OPINION , if you kill me, you win, doesn't matter how. Everyone has different opinions of what front quarter looks like, which means someone will use it as an excuse. It takes 2 to do it.

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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #137 on: August 19, 2014, 03:34:57 PM »
This is the dumbest display of over-inflated ego on this forum in the last 24 hours.  Thanks for the entertainment.
Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #138 on: August 19, 2014, 03:36:27 PM »
Only for dweebs. It's deemed pretty obvious if the other person could make it around yet they choose to not go face first.

I've been dueling for like 8 years.

Only chumps go for the HO in desperation to get the kill
The Damned(est. 1988)
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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #139 on: August 19, 2014, 03:40:42 PM »
... if you kill me, you win, doesn't matter how....

Clash of ideas.  For some, "how" is the part that matters.

It ain't gonna change, although individual players certainly change sometimes. 
AMAX  in game

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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #140 on: August 19, 2014, 03:51:10 PM »
I can accept and respect the idea won't change, if others accept and respect that mine won't either, and round we go!

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #141 on: August 19, 2014, 03:53:07 PM »
I disagree.  What is happening is no different that what has happened in the past...remember the famous AH vs. WB duel?  Or maybe one of the multitudes of Blue Knights vs. AoM duels or any other squad vs. squad duel?  There is nothing wrong with having little side activities like this, the only time it becomes a problem is if one or both sides start to exhibit some rather poor sportsmanship.


If that was how it in the old days, then that would be fine and dandy, but it seems far too many players get their jollies yankin other peoples chains as we have seen in this thread. One guy makes a comment and the next things we are 12 pages in full of chest thumping.

Where is this good for the game?

Had we instead a 300 word AAR (like those guppy use to write on occasion) about a mission with fighter cover over bombers and defense that pushed back the attack with our hero the goon driver bellying in at the town at the last minute only to find out he brought supplies, not troops I think the following pages would have been more positive. Possible attracting attention of some new players saying "that looks like fun!"

Instead we get them looking in and saying..... "What a bunch of........" Well you fill in the rest.

EDIT.... I found one of CorkyJR's stories..... I hope he don't mind me posting it.

October 6, 1944. Covering Souless....kinda

October 6, 1944 Biak Island

The old Headhunter pilot, better known as CorkyJr, instinctively scanned the sky around him from the cockpit of his beaten and battered P38G Lightning. He didn't expect to run into any enemy planes, as this was just a quick flight from his old base at Nadzab to his new home at Biak where the 475th Fighter Group was stationed. All Corky could see were a few scattered clouds that dotted the sky above him and the water below him that looked like glass.

The roar of the twin Allison engines of his big fighter droned on in the background muffled by the enclosed cockpit as well as the flying helmet Corky wore. An oxygen mask dangled from one side of his helmet, unneeded at the 8000 feet he was flying. His goggles were pushed up on his head as he rubbed his eyes in an effort to stay alert. His Mae West seemed to be cutting into his neck and the chute pack he was sitting on added to the discomfort, as it felt as hard as a rock. Looking to his left and right, Corky could see the faded camouflage on the wings and tail booms of the P38. Spots of darker Olive Drab paint covered the patches where flak and bullet hits had scarred his Lightning. The faded and chipped green paint still showed on the tail and spinners, showing the colors of his old squadron the 80th Headhunters.

Corky had recently gotten the word that he was transferring over to the 475th. He wasn't quite sure why as the reputation the 475th had already been established as one of the premiere P38 outfits in the theater. The list of Aces was long with the 475th. Corky didn't where he'd fit with that caliber of pilots, as the scoreboard below the windscreen of his 38 was empty. If nothing else he could provide good bait so the other 475th pilots could get more kills. He could only assume that an old wingman of his from the 80th had either bribed or threatened the 475th CO to get him a slot with the "Satan's Angels".

A muffled bang brought Corky back to the present. Jerking his head around, he scanned the sky as the sound reminded him of the many times he's been hit by enemy shells. No N1K's or Zeros could be seen however. Corky turned his attention to his P38. Scanning the instrument panel he quickly noticed the oil pressure on his left engine dropping rapidly. Looking to his left he could see oil streaking back along the cowling of the big Allison engine. As his heart rate slowed and his hands stopped shaking, Corky went through the engine shut down procedure. This was old hat to Corky as he'd probably spent more time on one engine in his 38 then he had with both engines working. Trimming his bird for single engine flight, Corky watched as the big three-blade prop slowed and stopped, the blades feathered.

Spotting the island of Biak in the distance, Corky began his descent. Notifying the tower that he was coming in single engine, Corky was given the green light to land. It seemed important to get his 38 on the ground in one piece and to show his new squadron mates that he wasn't a complete disaster as a P38 pilot.
Cleared for a straight in approach, for once Corky did everything right. Dropping the flaps and kicking out the landing gear like a pro, he greased his landing in right past the threshold of the runway. It was the best landing Corky'd made in months.

Pulling off the runway, Corky was met by a jeep with a "Follow Me" sign on it. He swallowed hard and the knot in his stomach got a little tighter. In the 80th you parked it wherever you could find a place near the runway. It was clear the 475th was a bit more professional in their approach. Working the one good engine and the brakes, Corky followed the jeep down the flight line. Gleaming late model P38J-15s and L-1s were parked in separate revetments. Bright colors showed on the tails and spinners, signifying the three squadrons of the 475th Fighter Group. Red for the 431st, Yellow for the 432nd and Blue for the 433rd. The line of new 38s seemed to go on forever.

Corky could see an empty revetment in the distance. What looked like a 38 boneyard was between it and the rest of the revetments. It soon became apparent that this was where the jeep was leading Corky and his P38G. He wondered if this meant they were going to junk her and he'd finally get a new bird. He had mixed feelings about this as he'd been through a lot in his old G model. The Jeep pulled off and the driver pointed towards the revetment. Corky pulled in to the parking space and gunned his one good engine while standing on the brake for the left wheel, swinging the Lightning around so it faced out of the revetment. He then shut down the engine and popped the canopy top while rolling down the side windows. The quiet ticking of the engine as it cooled was mixed with the sounds of a busy airfield where crew chiefs were hard at work keeping the other P38s in top condition.

Unstrapping from the plane, Corky Stood up and stepped out onto the wing, pulling off his flying helmet and stretching his legs, hoping to get the blood circulating again. As he did so, he could see the jeep heading off towards what he assumed was the operations shack. At the same time a truck was headed towards him. As he watched, the truck careened into the revetment, nearly hitting his P38. A man in faded overalls and a beat up baseball cap, crawled out. He looked like he hadn't slept or shaved in a week and despite the distance, Corky could swear he smelled alcohol.

"You must be the new guy! Welcome to the 475th! The pilots would have been here to say hello but they're briefing for a mission. I'm your Crew Chief. The CO wants your bird ready to go as soon as possible and he suggests you help get it that way."

Corky shrugged. "So much for a new 38." He mumbled. He pulled the Mae West over his head and dropped it into the cockpit. He then reached in and pulled out a musette bag.

"Did you say something sir?"

"Forget it Sergeant. What can I do to help."

His Crew Chief smiled. "First thing we gotta do is get rid of that green paint. They've assigned you to the 432nd Squadron. I've got the yellow paint in the back of the truck."

Corky smiled, wondering if he should use that paint to add a yellow streak down his back as well. Then it occurred to him. Since he’d be in probably the slowest bird in the group, he'd no doubt be behind the rest of the 38s. If he were lucky they’d kill everything before he got there. He could then fly home safely and maybe, just maybe when it was all over he'd get home.

Climbing down of the 38, Corky stopped and looked up at the nose of his plane. No kill markings and no name. He'd have to do something about that. Walking over to the truck, he shook hands with his crew chief. He then reached into the musette bag and pulled out a bottle, giving it to the Sergeant, who looked back at Corky surprised.

"Hopefully you and I can get this bird back in action Chief. I have a feeling this is the start of something good"

Dan/Corky Jr.
(Don't say I didn't warn ya. Del will tell ya I'm a babbler when it comes to the history stuff and getting into it going back to our Nomad days as well as in the scenarios. Gotta play the part
The single engine 38 landing is Corky Smith's 80th FS P38G "CorkyJr". That's where the AH name came from
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 03:59:45 PM by The Fugitive »

Offline Kruel

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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #142 on: August 19, 2014, 04:07:29 PM »
The old days are gone sir. Stop living in the past! Nothing wrong with reminiscing, but you can't expect people who didn't play back then to behave like they did.

This story is more like RPG role play than combat sim.

Offline LCADolby

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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #143 on: August 19, 2014, 04:08:48 PM »
This is the dumbest display of over-inflated ego on this forum in the last 24 hours.  Thanks for the entertainment.


JG5 "Eismeer"
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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #144 on: August 19, 2014, 04:14:44 PM »
The old days are gone sir. Stop living in the past! Nothing wrong with reminiscing, but you can't expect people who didn't play back then to behave like they did.

This story is more like RPG role play than combat sim.

It was the first story in a bunch. He added a little imagination to the game and..... wait for it...... made it more fun.

Guess you "new guys" cant handle that.

Offline Kruel

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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #145 on: August 19, 2014, 04:19:00 PM »
It was the first story in a bunch. He added a little imagination to the game and..... wait for it...... made it more fun.

Guess you "new guys" cant handle that.

That's not to say it isn't fun, just saying I've seen that in RPG games. If it's fun for you that's great.

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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #146 on: August 19, 2014, 04:31:32 PM »
This is the dumbest display of over-inflated ego on this forum in the last 24 hours.  Thanks for the entertainment.

That's a fact, and it looks like we get one of these about every 24 hours, from the same guys in the same squad over and over and over and over and over and over.   Infamous, not famous, is that what you guys are going for?  It sure looks like it.

Why would a squad in their right mind want anything do do with this horsecrap?  Because of the way members are conducting themselves, this is not inclusive nor will it ever be anything more than it is now, an excuse for chest thumping and crap slinging.  Congratulations, you have made the game so much better.
Wag more, bark less.

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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #147 on: August 19, 2014, 04:40:05 PM »
Obviously, you have the fear of someone fighting you in this format "extending on you," without realizing that a) that you'd be both faster and more maneuverable than them and b) the extending aircraft would effectively put themselves at a disadvantage in doing so.

No, I don't.  The reason why I always insist on agreeing to a fuel load before hand is for fairness reasons and to eliminate any potential whining of "he ran me out of fuel!" or "he had less fuel!".

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #148 on: August 19, 2014, 04:44:11 PM »
Maybe you guys should try Widewing's "Cage Match" format. 

Each player takes off from the same base and as soon as wheels go up, players turn and fight within the perimeter of the airfield.  Anyone that leaves the perimeter of the airfield during the match is disqualified.  Nice way to use the stall fighting skills.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: AoM vs The Damned 2v2 Skyyr/Kruel vs ChangeUp/Triton28
« Reply #149 on: August 19, 2014, 05:30:10 PM »
Maybe you guys should try Widewing's "Cage Match" format. 

Each player takes off from the same base and as soon as wheels go up, players turn and fight within the perimeter of the airfield.  Anyone that leaves the perimeter of the airfield during the match is disqualified.  Nice way to use the stall fighting skills.


Me likey! :aok
The Damned(est. 1988)
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