SCCA is right. Spread out and extend the fight. It's on the deges of the furballs where the interesting stuff can happen, imj. That's why I always look for the short DAR in an out-of-the-way place. If everyone did this, you'd see a lot more 1:1 or 2:2 types of action.
One way I've expermineted with here and there, though I haven't been able to fly much lately, is to find a base near an opposing base at a time when both are inert, dar-wise. THen I'll up something that can carry some ord, like a 38 or a Typh. Then i'll fly to the enemy base and practice a little deack/strike. If something comes up, I've got my 1:1 after I dump ords. If not, I need the air-ground practice anyway. Meanwhile, I'm diverting enemy from those guys who actually care about the war AND spreading the fighting out on the map.
IMJ, more people should do this.
Then, when some dude ups to try to kill me, I'll run to my nearest ack base and try to get a proxy kill.
SOmetimes, this'll make for an interesting experience even if no one ups. Like, for example, last time I took a Typh to do this, first deack pass, BOTH ailerons got shot up. I then found myself figuring out the rudder/roll interaction on a plane I rarely fly. I landed it after a struggle.