Ever Loon act and video just marginalizes this coalition of nut jobs more and more. I myself couldnt take more then a minute of her sniveling ; I suspect she was crying about the chickens everyone was eating and by morning would be toilet bait, "the fate of all food".
Oh no, this is a far out bunch. They have a specific pair of sneakers they make all their members wear cause nothing from animals is used to make them. They have an entire agenda of allkindachit to eat and wear that leaves the little chickens and cow's safe. They even get on their knees and talk to the ants to make them go away. Maybe they think an ant might be the spirit essence of Elvis or something.
The entire agenda is a off shoot of the '60s movement. Yes these old Hippies had kids who had kids and lacking a war like 'nam needed something to snivel about. I bet they would do better if they picked some spokes woman who was off her meds. That and talked more about whales then chickens.