Hi All
We made it through with no injuries or significant damage.
A transformer blew up on a side street next to the house during the height of the storm and we had a 4th July situation for a few seconds but luckily the pole nor anything around it caught fire for long.
We are still without power but I called our utility this morning and reported what happened and the woman was like "On Cobbs Hill? Really? We've been looking for that pole. Your neighbors will be thanking you soon." They have been telling everyone NOT to call in because the lines are swamped but they have alot of people back on now so they are grateful to hear this sort of thing. I suspect the whole area is going to back on soon. They couldn't turn everyone on until they identified and secured the blown transformers.
We have a generator going so the basics are all covered. Shower (albeit cold) and cold fridge. Normally an ac unit would be key but this storm happened so late in the season that it is nice and cool, particularly at night.
Thanks for thoughts and prayers. I'll post up some stuff when home internet comes back up.