Author Topic: Fight for 173  (Read 575 times)

Offline jolly22

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Fight for 173
« on: November 11, 2014, 09:25:38 PM »
Was an INCREDIBLE fight at 173. Us Rooks started out with a nicely executed B25 raid into the town and WF, although it took longer that I had hoped, we got it down. Our goons died instantly. But luckily, we had one to the north starting his approach. Just before drop, the WHOLE knight army showed and kill the troops. Crap. Well, just minutes before our approach on 173, a small group of Rooks took the port just south of the base. So guess what. M3 and JEEP raid.

HUGE  :salute to the Knight defence efforts at 173. Was an incredibly intense 10 minutes trying to rush troops in.

Even bigger <salute> to the Rooks who came together tonight and took some strategic bases to start taking our homeland back. Was a great night for Jolly's Missions for sure!


3./JG 53 cheerleader - Battle Over The Winter Line - FLY AXIS - JRjolly

Offline bozon

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Re: Fight for 173
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2014, 02:29:54 AM »
When rooks take a base it is usually because someone mistakenly loaded up troops instead of vehicle supplies in the hangar, and then tried to resupply tanks close to an enemy town :D

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