So ..... let's see. If the current system was left in place but another element was added, would that do the trick? In other words, if 'simulated attrition' was factored in as an alternate method of 'winning the war' then would that suffice? Not a lot of change, coding wise (an obvious presumption on my part, however). Having seen the point suggestions, let's see if I have a rough hold on this:
Using a system already in place to base the point factor on, ENY/perk, all perk points earned per sortie would also go toward a team's tally. That would cover everything, right? Well, everything but gun ship/field, right? Gun emplacements have no ENY, currently. But that should be code-able. Anything a player can shoot from and be shot in could have an ENY factor applied to it (I would think). So if an ENY 40 fighter shoots down an ENY 2 B-29 it would yield 38 points toward an attrition victory.
Now .... attrition is an act of subtraction. Usually a theater involved 2 opposing forces. Subtraction works fine there. Both sides start with a pool of points and if one of them drops to zero before the percentage needed to capture happens, they lose (even if they were one base away from winning - could you imagine the heartbreak?). What about Aces High's three sided fight, though? It requires a winner (by territory capture only, currently). If one out of three zeros out their point pool, who wins?
If we decide that attrition could be modeled by those points going from one side to another (no .... actually just to - like the ENY model) with no starting pool and just a threshold to reach then that sound like a more manageable model. One side can shoot down, bomb, sink a certain number of perks (whether it be split evenly from the other two sides of mostly from one and some from the other) and when the entire team reaches a specific threshold, it wins (earning, of course, bonus perks,as well). I know this is pretty obvious but I'm just writing it down to see if we're all on the same page.
I'd like a rough idea of how many overall perks a side should accrue to win a map through attrition.

P.S. Bomber formation sneaky milk runs on a large map wouldn't be discouraged by such a system. Just sayin'.