Thanks Wurz,
I saved my settings, skins etc… and did a clean install, and this did not help.
I also thought about what I am running now that I didn’t in the past years, EVGA PrecisionX 16 is a program I use to monitor my video cards temps etc... I’m sure some of you know about this program.
I turned EVGA PrecisionX 16 off and the game exited fine, so now I am on to something.
After playing with several settings it seemed to be the ‘Hardware Polling Period’ I had it set to 1000ms, after setting it to 2000ms AH exits some of the time but still hangs most times.
A setting of 5000ms seems to work better but still having issues, after searching is seems a lot of others are having issues with the latest version of EVGA PrecisionX 16 after version 4.2.1.
Without PrecisionX running the game runs flawlessly, never once had an issue.
However, I do not want to run without PrecisionX in fear of overheating my card, the Auto fan control keeps it right at 70c, when polling is increased the temps are not checked as often.
But at least I have some clue where to look for answers.