Guess being well known amongst the community and well liked means you contributed more to the game.
Ghost has done more for the Game in the past few years than Most who are posting in this thread.
Doc, don't misunderstand this, but neither of you have been around long enough to make that comment. In the overall scheme of things, you are a relative newbie to the AH Community that stretches back to both the Warbirds and Airwarrior communities. I go back to 1996 and compared to some folks, I'm a newbie. Fair or not folks earn thier place in the community over time most often by what they bring to the game and community.
As strange as it seems it goes beyond the game with the friendships you build. If you are lucky it goes beyond squads or country affiliation. You find that you know about people families, how thier kids are doing, the new job, or how school is going. That's the best part of it all along with that shared interest in the history.
We all poke at each other when the situation calls for it, but most know where and when it is appropriate and when it's not. In the end that's what happened here. This wasn't the thread to derail for what ever reason as the OP's intent was a good one. It wasn't self serving, but just a wish to acknowledge folks who he admired in game. Fair or unfair the Damned DFC decided to make it about them.
It would have been far better just to start a Damned DFC thread separately if stirring things up was what they wanted to do. Wouldn't have been the first squad to do it or the last no doubt.
So write it off to the BBS learning curve of knowing how to operate and do it better next time