For those who still play this game for the war effort or those who once did but lost the way...
Earlier last night I had the pleasure of being a guest on the 49th FG vox a place I call my 2nd home. Shortly after FSO a few 49's trickled into the MA for some random fun as they always do. Now most of these guys could care less about taking bases or the war effort they just play for fun. Around 11pm CST Tuba got a stray hair and decided he would NOE to the knight strat in lancs. Much to his luck he made it and smacked it pretty hard despite encountering a 262 and flying right over the train. From there it was all downhill.
Shade hunters deacked a knight V-base and took it fairly easily. Then another base fell, then another, and another. By the 4th base take the horde was on. Bish decided it was time to push knight front and after 5 bases the majority of knights logged fr the night and ENY was on. Before you knew it knights had lost 60% of their bases.
Then a well timed and orchestrated Bish Strat run was organized by the rooks and executed flawlessly leaving down times comfortably high. With excellent prep work and good coordination the bish/rook front fell base after base like domino's even when defended.
Last night/this morning is a perfect example of how with a little timing and luck the actions of one player can change the momentum of a war. I witnessed it first hand. Granted it took a country effort to win it I want to personally salute 49Tuba for his awesome NOE strat run that he landed btw that started it all. Just goes to show that strategy and coordinated game play is still alive and well in AH. WTG Rooks!
And to think not on HQ was dropped tonight