Gents, I've decided to start work on a large mission, and I could certainly use all of your talents. After pretty much designing 80% of my missions for A-10s, I'd like to see what some of the other aircraft are capable of.
Most of my missions are fairly similar; I like long, elaborate, drawn-out realistic scenarios. In this mission, I'd like to make it a coalition effort; meaning that not only is the US playing a role, but we will see things like UK Chinooks, French Mirages, etc. That being said, I may need a few "specialty" voice actors. Most of my previous missions are centered around US operations, so the only real contacts I have in the DCS Voice acting community possess thick and true American accents.
I'm still thinking about all the larger details of the mission; scenario, plot, and don't have much, or really anything down for finer details like voice lines just yet. However, I do want to assemble a quasi list of people who'd be willing to lend a hand on the mission. If you are interest, contact me, here in the thread, or via PM.
( I am willing to offer small amounts of $$$ in exchange for your services )
To Frenchy! I'd like to have French Mirages play a large role in the mission. If you're interested in voice acting as a French Mirage pilot, hit me up. Reply here or you can PM. Your choice.