Author Topic: Sorry about that  (Read 566 times)

Offline snakeplissken

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Sorry about that
« on: December 19, 2015, 12:22:41 AM »
We are still checking into what caused the mass disco in Frame 3.  It didn't seem like a problem with HTC's servers.  One of our players said the Disco extended into the MA.  The SEA runs off different servers.  Dh367th was setup and we made sure our settings were good and got you all back in the air.  At least, we hope it was all of you.  Heck of a year end.  But man, strange things happen on those Russian battlefields.  <S> FSO Players and Squads.  I hope it worked out for you.
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Offline snakeplissken

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Re: Sorry about that
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2015, 12:55:29 AM »
As an example of the mass disco, the logs show 126 Axis players... 46 of whom had discos.
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Re: Sorry about that
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2015, 06:33:22 AM »
I just made it to the rearm pad when the disco happened, booted me to the desktop. So I relogged and got the message that the AI had crashed me into the earth. FYI if you investigate this further, the logs show a crash and death for me and more than likely others.
Jagdgeschwader 11


Offline SlipKnt

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Re: Sorry about that
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2015, 10:38:29 AM »
I live a few miles away from HTC.  Something in this area did happen that can't be explained.  Though I didn't disco, our cable went out very briefly which is somehow connected.  I don't know if it is related but it could be to the local area. 

Good job getting back in and going. 
vCSG-3, VMA-513 Flying Nightmares (AV8B)

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Re: Sorry about that
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2015, 02:00:47 PM »
I believe the actual HTC servers are in a colo in Dallas but I'm probably wrong.
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Offline steely07

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Re: Sorry about that
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2015, 03:38:37 PM »
It was a strange one, for 9GIAP, we had 6 pilots, 4 in Australia (east coast) and 2 in the US, we lost both US players and 2 Aussie, but Dantoo (in QLD) and I (in NSW) were fine.

I must say, it was well-handled by you CM's, I imagine the command bunker was a bit chaotic for a couple mins there! <S>!
Aces High, Wing Commander, Dickweed Heavy Bomber Group:

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Offline snakeplissken

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Re: Sorry about that
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2015, 07:24:35 PM »
Thank you Steely.  The Command Bunker was anything BUT chaotic. We are all taught what to do, the chain of command, and how to compose ourselves when things go wrong.  I was senior but, DH367th was in charge (since he was setup).  We formulated an action plan and put it into play.  Imadot was online and helped up with the settings and the logs.  I don't know if you have ever considered this but HTC devotes considerable resources to FSO.  When things go wrong we are expected to first and foremost: FIX It.  Second we account to ourselves.  BTW props to my brother DH367th... Nothing like an arena glitch on your first tour as setup.  Fall back on the training, play to the crowd.
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Offline snakeplissken

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Re: Sorry about that
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2015, 07:33:58 PM »
But, despite our problem solving  HTC still doesn't give me the keys to the Main Arena!!!  If he did you guys would be like: "Man Plissken gets a lot of Dueces... He must be like Plissken/Kappa."
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Re: Sorry about that
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2015, 11:25:54 PM »
Well done handling the chaos Plisskin and Dh.  :salute
Kommando Nowotny