Author Topic: Wednesday Night Snapshot - 4/29/15 - The Legend of Y-29  (Read 672 times)

Offline Nefarious

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Wednesday Night Snapshot - 4/29/15 - The Legend of Y-29
« on: March 19, 2015, 06:56:08 PM »
All Events begin at 9:30pm Eastern time in SEA II.
February 2015 begins a all new format for Snapshots!

Events will be 45 to 60 mins in length. Fields will remain open the whole time! Most events will represent a historical 2-4 plane match up in varying environments.
All are welcome to attend. No registration, sign up or squad affiliation needed. Simply show up, read the Arena Message, choose a side and plane then get ready to fight!

The Legend Of Y29 The Legend Of Y29
"The airfield at Asch Belgium (Y-29) was an advanced landing ground used as the Allies pushed across Europe following the landings of D-Day. The airfield opened on 20th Nov 1944 and was in use until June 1945. It was home to 352th FG, 406th FG and 391th BG.

On January 1st 1945 the Lufftwaffe launched Operation Bodenplatte, an all out attack on the Allied front line airfields. The FW190's and BF109's of JG-11 arrived at Asch just as the 487th FS of the 352nd FG were rolling down the runway; the ensuing battle came to be known as the Legend of Y-29. The pilots of the 487th Fighter Squadron who took off under fire and in the face of overwhelming odds scored 23 kills while suffering only 2 damaged aircraft in the face of 3:1 odds. For their performance the 487th received the only Distinguished Unit Citation given to a fighter squadron in the European theater." -The Wartime Memories Project

Although poor weather conditions set back Operation Bodenplatte, German leaders still opted to continue the attack. This would turn out to be one of the biggest mistakes of the war.

In this snapshot we will recreate the legendary battle of Y29
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 07:40:28 PM by Nefarious »
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!