Had a great fight with Dutch and his wingman yesterday near some base...Had a few enemies there and Dutch showed up with his wingman in 109F's and we had a great fight. F4U came in after a BUNCH of twists and turns and over shoots and got me...but it was a blast of a fight even losing.
Had another awesome fight with a pony..(never did find out who it was) and finally lost to Boo in a 190...but it was again a blast. Twisting and turning my pony , dropping flaps , chopping the throttle...dodge a shot and get a shot here and there....Think it was Boo's 190 , an F4U and the pony....just a great time.
Nish and I had a really good pony v pony fight...he shot me to pieces finally but it was also a great fight.
Thanks to you guys for the great fights...As I don't play near as much as I used to it was a great time. 3 awesome fights in the MA (from what I hear) isn't the norm....so I was happy to be involved in them even though I got whooped.
Take Care