Allie has another idea

This has been a big idea of mine for some time now. So here it is...
Currently in AH, pretty much the only thing we can capture is fields. While fields can be a challenge on their own to capture sometimes. Theres a few more things I'd love to see put into AH, just to add that little extra bit of realism and challenge to the game.
Recon basesSometimes, we get really large maps that are just so huge, anything can sneak attack any base and put the team being attacked on overdrive, causing panic.
This just doesn't really happen irl. In WW2, there just wasnt lone bases, with a lone radar pinging around, looking for stuff. And if that radar goes out, your screwed. There were recon bases (as I call them), which were solely devoted to helping detect hostile aircraft, and relaying their positions and intents to the nearby military bases so they could prepare for an attack. This gave airmen time to up fighters to defend their bases. Rather than being shot to hell on the runway.
To even out this defense, I'd want these recon bases to be capture-able. So even if the enemy takes the airfield/GV base, they still have to take the nearby recon base, so they can make another move without being detected and given away.
On the other hand, the enemy could capture the recon base BEFORE taking the airfield, so there is no telling where they are coming from or where they are going.
Ack Bases/EmplacementsPerhaps near or maybe on their own out there in AH land, would be Ack bases. Places that are solely designed to thin out enemy aircraft if an attack is happening. While the field ack can get the job done sometimes. The enemy usually shows up in full force, and immediately deacks fields and towns before they can do anything.
To help defend nearby fields. Maybe a few miles out, there would be a small camp of AA guns, and maybe some anti tank guns if needed. The AA guns would automatically fire on any hostile aircraft that passes over the camp. Which might be able to get a bomber or two before they lay waste to a field. This could be a game changer. Instead of a swarm of 20 B-17s just carpet bombing a field out of nowhere. And no one was aware of their approach, so no fighters upped. The small AA camps outside of base, could help thin out the pack of 17s.
Im expecting a lot of holes in my wish, as I havent really given it a lot of thought. Or if u want to add anything, just post an idea below.