Author Topic: The game play lately sucks!  (Read 19807 times)


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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #255 on: April 27, 2015, 04:01:04 PM »
With all of the other channel 200's available, wonder if anyone has actually setup a super secret cross country channel that only the hmmmm, something like BluBerry's faux squad site invite?

Wonder why the uber resident denizens of ch200 don't agree to another channel in the 200's where they can VOX and text each other to death like Flame Warriors? Might save some wear and tear on the poor Mods. But, 200 is really a stage to show off on since it's now notorious like knowing where the local cat house is located. I doubt anyone would really bother tuning every 200 channel to see if anything was on. Just call it the PizAnt channel and let word of mouth direct the Ants or cats to it.

It's like small towns back when the concept of "other side of the tracks" meant something. As long as those from the other side of the track kept their sins on the other side of the tracks, harmony reigned for the larger population of the law abiding. From time to time things got out of hand and the Sheriff would intervene while the other side of the tracks moved to a new location.   

The fact that Hitech has had to get into this POST and talk about the past means the Sheriff is involved. You cannot control man kinds baser nature for very long. You can only manage it. Ch200 has been an other side of the tracks solution all of these years. Now you dorks are breaking the first rule of fight club and screwing a good thing. You never talk about the local cat house and then no one cares about it.

Here's the problem. No matter what channel is used it will very quickly become the channel everyone goes to.
couple of reasons.

 Everyone agrees a train wreck is a terrible thing. Yet everyone loves to look at a good train wreck.
And I'd still be willing to wager that the large majority of people really dont care about whats on 200. I typically dont. But I dont spend a ton of time looking at or talking on it either. Im either paying attention to what Im doing. Chatting on squad vox. Or watching TV

So that leaves a vocal minority that do care. And more importantly HTC cares. And in the end thats the only group of people that have to care for it to matter.

So what will happen is a new channel is created All of a sudden the majority heads there for the train wreck and then the ones that do care will head there too because the old clean channel will be so unpopulated that they will no longer feel like part of the community and just like watching a train wreck. Everyone wants to be where the crowd is. Thats why the split arenas was so unpopular with so many people. This is all just human nature.

Anyway. Pretty soon the people who want to see it clean will start complaining all over again about what they see and we will be right back here again. As I have also said. "The definition of insanity".
for those that do not know what I mean. Its doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

I favor having a separate free for all channel and one where rules are strictly enforced. Strict as in  screw up once and your bounced from the game for the rest of the day. (24 hour day)

Place a disclaimer on each with a check box that must be checked stating your read the rules whenever you tune into one or the other what to expect. You choose one. You follow the rules to the letter. You choose the other and you're on your own. You dont like what you see? Learn the squelch command because complaints fall on deaf ears (just like flame warriors).

Add a parental control option to keep the parents happy and you're set.

Someone recently at FW said about it "This place breaks people" Thats pretty accurate. Not everyone can or wants to handle what goes on there. We can be brutal to one another. Some stay. Some dont and come back here. Some leave then come back... over and over again. But you know what you're in for when you get there. You choose to stay or leave. "Choose" being the operative word here.

Some post on both boards. There and here. Those that do know the deal for each. There its a free for all. Here its not.
You post here you post according to HTC rules. You post there you take what comes with it good or bad.

I'd like to see that just to see how many choose which channel. And it does have the novelty of having not been tried

The above being unlikely.

Everyone seems concerned over the direction of the game. To that effect you have a choice.
You can be an asset or a liability.

Nothing wrong with a little bit of good natured razzing. But ya gotta know when to stop. Some dont
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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #256 on: April 27, 2015, 04:41:09 PM »
Theres banter trash talk and then there is calling someone a *&^%*&  %^&*($ because you got vulched, or he bailed, or he ran to ack.

Lots of good positive stuff on 200 and plenty of inappropriate negative stuff.  Sometimes its hard to believe that almost all the players are adults.  I have an 8 year old son that goes goes with me to a lot of adult activities.  Hunting camps, competitive shoots, dirt bike groups, snowmobile trips, offroading, etc. with rarely an issue witnessing inappropriate, impolite, or rude behavior by an adult. 

He only gets to play AH offline.
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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #257 on: April 27, 2015, 05:16:47 PM »
From what I Imagine, most people are more behaved face to face, although I can't say I've met many people that I had initial met over the internet.
See Rule #4

Offline bustr

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #258 on: April 27, 2015, 05:38:29 PM »
We old guys have a problem. Ch200 and responses to it by older players is like the southern towns where the older population got ordinances voted in by the town council who often were the same age as them to enforce morality on teens and 20 somethings. It was usually because they did't like the way the kids acted, talked or that they wouldn't listen to them.

Just like the mayor's wife of a town in a dry county. Discovering the local hooch shack just over the county line in the wet county that happens to run along the rail road tracks. (This is one of the origins of the other side of the tracks.) Where even her husband the mayor has been visiting for the last decade. And no one is willing to point out to her that she is a hypocrite trying to get it closed down ostensibly because she is the head of the local lady's auxiliary at the church. But, in reality because she is pissed at her hubby and all the young men from her community not living up to her fantasys about reality.

Wanting ch200 closed down or an alternate channel with draconian rules is simply legislating the depth of personal intolerance towards stoopid kids. The worst on ch200 is simply stupid, not something needing draconically imposed morality to balance piqued personal biases.

The hooch shacks were simply moved to another location a few miles down the county line, or the men of the dry county drove into the wet county at night and voted with their wallets. You manage human nature, not hold a gun to it's head because you don't like what comes out of it's mouth in a kiddy game. That is a swine wearing a dress and lipstick called morality, to hide that it has a tattoo on its side from the intolerance is us motorized wheel chair gang.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #259 on: April 27, 2015, 06:24:41 PM »
You can NOT close down channel 200, nor move it as it is part of the "social" aspect of the game. You can however clean it up! I don't think anyones talking making it "church ready" on 200 but some stuff is way over the line.

Trash talking is trash talking until some people go over the edge and it becomes bullying. That limit/line has gotten blurred over the years and some people need to be reminded where that line is. 4 or 5 years ago Twinboom use to spend half his game time muted. The stuff he got muted for back then is pretty much acceptable behavior these days.

Bullying people and having them "rage quit" doesn't help the game. I'd rather see a dozen fumbled fingered newbies asking endless questions that to see one or two A holes get their kick bullying them. If we can teach newbs how to play, maybe its time to teach A holes that its time to grow up.

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #260 on: April 27, 2015, 06:29:57 PM »
This is beginning to gather momentum towards the toilet.  :aok   

200 doesn't kill subscribers.  People kill subscribers.  Moderate properly and this is a non-issue.  Properly requires time, purpose, leadership and an ability to stay focused.  Josh Hamilton would not be a good Moderator.  He would be a good player.

See how that works?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 06:32:11 PM by Changeup »
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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #261 on: April 27, 2015, 06:38:24 PM »

CH 200


I tuned to it a couple of times, and quickly got bored with it.  So I detuned it.  Haven't had it tuned in 2-3 years now.  Do NOT need to get rid of 200, just have to get rid of the people who screw it up.

Till it's "cleaned up", I won't bother.  I generally chat with others via PM any who. :)
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
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Quote from: Jolly
What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.

Offline bustr

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #262 on: April 27, 2015, 06:41:45 PM »
This is beginning to gather momentum towards the toilet.  :aok   

200 doesn't kill subscribers.  People kill subscribers.  Moderate properly and this is a non-issue.  Properly requires time, purpose, leadership and an ability to stay focused.  Josh Hamilton would not be a good Moderator.  He would be a good player.

See how that works?

Ooh!! Ooh!! include me to. I'm lazy and would just hit the ban button every time I remembered to log in and read ch200....... :O
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #263 on: April 27, 2015, 07:39:08 PM »
Ooh!! Ooh!! include me to. I'm lazy and would just hit the ban button every time I remembered to log in and read ch200....... :O

Perfect!  As long as you don't attempt to explain yourself every time you ban someone.  There isn't enough room in the text buffer... :neener: :bolt:
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #264 on: April 27, 2015, 09:22:21 PM »
This is beginning to gather momentum towards the toilet.  :aok   

200 doesn't kill subscribers.  People kill subscribers.  Moderate properly and this is a non-issue.  Properly requires time, purpose, leadership and an ability to stay focused.  Josh Hamilton would not be a good Moderator.  He would be a good player.

See how that works?

I don't and my example were repeat offenders over the last 7-8 years blatantly cussing out players on range vox.   Yes, that will have a larger effect, than 200.
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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #265 on: April 27, 2015, 10:56:40 PM »
Perfect!  As long as you don't attempt to explain yourself every time you ban someone.  There isn't enough room in the text buffer... :neener: :bolt:

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Offline bustr

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #266 on: April 27, 2015, 11:14:56 PM »
Perfect!  As long as you don't attempt to explain yourself every time you ban someone.  There isn't enough room in the text buffer... :neener: :bolt:

Oh would be point, click, point click, point, click until I got bored. It would be Hitech's job to splain da pain.......... :O
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.


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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #267 on: April 28, 2015, 01:38:53 AM »
You can NOT close down channel 200, nor move it as it is part of the "social" aspect of the game. You can however clean it up!

Dude. I like you
I respect you.

But Ive been seeing that very same statement in various forms including that exact statement about "we can clean it up" going way back to even airwarrior days. Now we're going back almost 20 years. Admirable thought. But it  hasnt had a lasting effect yet. Time and time and time again cleaning it up has been tried. and time and time and time again we end up exactly right here all over again

Im not defending what anyone has done or said on 200. Like I said. Its a train wreck.

But at some point it is going to have to be recognized that despite all efforts. Its just not going to happen. That may not be the desirable view. But if rationally thought out it is the only realistic one. History says so.

Time to try something new. Maybe that wont work either. But at least its better then doing the same thing thats been tried for years and years and we know hasnt worked

Give the idiots a place to bludgeon each other if thats what they want to do. Keep another channel clean and strictly enforced. Where civil people can play in peace.

I think you'd be surprised that when you take away the shallow end and have no lifeguard to rescue you at the swimming pool how many people would opt for the lifeguard after a while.

The way I predict it would go down is something like this. Initially, a lot of folk would move to unprotected channel. Stay a while. Then say the hell with this and move to the protected channel. There would be a core group of ruffians who would populate unprotected and it would get terrible ugly for a while with everyone testing out their newfound freedom. Then even that would largely calm down as everyone kinda punches them self out. you would have flair ups and a couple of people who are total buttwipes. But the rest of the channel would gang up on those and they woudl either mellow or leave. Course you may end up with a diehard or two. But those would be pretty much shunned by the rest of the group

Beauty of a clean channel is you wont have to see whats on the unprotected channel even if its directed at you. and if they come into the clean channel and start. They are gone very quickly.
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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #268 on: April 28, 2015, 01:41:14 AM »
We old guys have a problem. Ch200 and responses to it by older players is like the southern towns where the older population got ordinances voted in by the town council who often were the same age as them to enforce morality on teens and 20 somethings. It was usually because they did't like the way the kids acted, talked or that they wouldn't listen to them.

Just like the mayor's wife of a town in a dry county. Discovering the local hooch shack just over the county line in the wet county that happens to run along the rail road tracks. (This is one of the origins of the other side of the tracks.) Where even her husband the mayor has been visiting for the last decade. And no one is willing to point out to her that she is a hypocrite trying to get it closed down ostensibly because she is the head of the local lady's auxiliary at the church. But, in reality because she is pissed at her hubby and all the young men from her community not living up to her fantasys about reality.

Wanting ch200 closed down or an alternate channel with draconian rules is simply legislating the depth of personal intolerance towards stoopid kids. The worst on ch200 is simply stupid, not something needing draconically imposed morality to balance piqued personal biases.

The hooch shacks were simply moved to another location a few miles down the county line, or the men of the dry county drove into the wet county at night and voted with their wallets. You manage human nature, not hold a gun to it's head because you don't like what comes out of it's mouth in a kiddy game. That is a swine wearing a dress and lipstick called morality, to hide that it has a tattoo on its side from the intolerance is us motorized wheel chair gang.

On the other hand. You dont get drunk and rowdy and cuss at a church or school. You go to a bar for that.

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #269 on: April 28, 2015, 01:49:04 AM »
This is beginning to gather momentum towards the toilet.  :aok   

200 doesn't kill subscribers.  People kill subscribers.  Moderate properly and this is a non-issue.  Properly requires time, purpose, leadership and an ability to stay focused.  Josh Hamilton would not be a good Moderator.  He would be a good player.

See how that works?

And again. This has been tried again and again and again without lasting effect. We always end up right back here having the exact same debate.

You can keep plugging and filling that dry rotted leaky tire all you want. But eventually your gonna have to buy a new tire
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