Author Topic: Practical Range for 75mm and BK 5  (Read 500 times)

Offline bustr

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Practical Range for 75mm and BK 5
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:02:46 AM »
I'm reworking some large caliber gunsights. Please give me some MA ranges you believe are practical with the B25H 75mm and Me410 50mm guns. Max range with the 75mm was 6k yards and the 50mm 5k yards. I'm looking for realistic MA ranges. The P39 and Yak9T practical range is 1k yards even if the max is far beyond that.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

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Offline RedAgony

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Re: Practical Range for 75mm and BK 5
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2015, 09:00:49 AM »
For the BK-5 Air to Air I can reliably hit bombers from 1.5k out  anything more than that takes so much time to line up it isn't worth it. 

The 75mm on the B-25H can hit ships at 6K out and I have done it, but it's great at taking out town buildings as well.  The problem is ranging ground targets without an icon, so you end up walking shells in.
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Offline Wiley

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Re: Practical Range for 75mm and BK 5
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2015, 09:27:30 AM »
I've hit 4 engine bombers when the icon was showing 2k.  If it were me I'd say 3k would be a pretty reasonable max.

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Offline bustr

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Re: Practical Range for 75mm and BK 5
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2015, 06:19:08 PM »
From testing the BK5, the maximum range for accuracy in the air is 2.5k and ground is 3k. But, you can hit the rearm pad at 5k about 1 in 5. At 3k I was hitting close enough to my helper sitting on the ground, about 3 in 5 to damage his plane. The dispersion sucks past 3k.

I'm thinking for practical reasons 4k for the 75mm. Many players I have watched from the 5inch forget to lead the ships by about a half ship length at 4k and farther out. By 3k in a B25H, they become cannon fodder unless they are already veering off to setup another run. But, starting at 4k, judging aim is possible with a reference point. 4.5-6k is all hail Mary shooting and a waste of ammo.

I have tried to make range markers for buildings, AA pits, and tanks. Because the game is a 3D world limited by the size of your screen pixels. A building or AA pit between 2.5 and 1.5k becomes the difference in one or two pixels based on 1Mil = 2pixel. They look the same. Like WW2 it really comes down to practice except when it comes to something as large as a ship. The 75mm in the PTO was used for it's blast damage to an area when attacking ground positions at low alt, 1500-2000ft. Not for trying to hit a 20ft wide speck we call a GV from 1000yds or farther out.

At the end of the war when the B25H\PBJ-1H  was being used to attack supply shipping in the PTO. (Not like our game where we attack war ships.) And the pilot was limited to a manual gunsight with a 14 degree dial to raise and lower the reticle for range. The copilot read off dial settings while estimating range for the pilot. At 4000yds the hit rate was 3-4 out of 12 shots. When radar aiming was introduced which auto tilted the reflector plate. The hit rate at 4000yds went up to 9 out of 12. It was only possible because of the mass and size of the metal ship returned a strong signal. That happened at the very tail end of the war with only a few missions flown before the Japanese surrendered.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.