Author Topic: Sugrgical Strat  (Read 617 times)

Offline onerka

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Sugrgical Strat
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:15:46 PM »
Have been here for more than several years now...real life only lets me play now and again, with a sometime period of more that an hour or so.  Have been in sims similar to AH since late 1990's.  Have to admit to not investing the time here to do much other than gv's with a rare kill in a plane...or a sometime bombing run.  Last night a bunch of us were trying to take a gv defended base. Clearly the only way to pull this off was to take out the VH...we had all the guns down.  So I upped from a nearby base with the greatest of intentions.  I can fly a P38, at least well enough to get it somewhere and drop on a larger target like the middle of a town...but about half why there, an epiphany, I don't know what the heck I am doing and I'm about to try and do it anyway. Well the short of it, I blew up some buildings that don't count in strat, but was able to destroy the last manned gun, so something anyway.

If you want to do some surgical strat,  VH, ords, etc., what are the best planes?  What does it take to destroy the target? I know high bombers work, but thinking more an ASAP kind of situation. 

Also know I need to learn the maps...Tyfoo on private: "he's hiding right behind the storch hanger", and of course, I'm not even sure which building holds the resting srorch.

Don't have to write it all down, as I'm sure it has been written many times before.  Just point this lazy guy in the right direction to find the answers...would be greatly appreciated.

The downside is that - long-time squaddie Mano is insufferable with his explanations, and I am a lot older than he is!  I'm not gonna ask him  :old:.


Offline Hap

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Re: Sugrgical Strat
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2015, 12:37:22 PM »
Somewhere, I thought under "Help" on our homepage, used to be an explanation of our game's "strategic system."  I just looked and could not locate it.  Once found by someone more adept than I, it will answer how much ord to take down what.

As to what planes you might consider, the P47 is my choice.  However, when hauling ord, do consider taking the smallest ammo package because of the weight you save by so doing.

Hangars take 2,600 lbs = two 1,000 lbers and 6 rockets.  250 lbs will put down ord, fuel, barracks, dar; however, you have to hit them dead on; consider using 500 lb bombs, or 3 rockets.  1 rocket or a 100 lb bomb will take down an ack.

Good luck <S>

Offline Wiley

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Re: Sugrgical Strat
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2015, 12:51:40 PM »
Right click on map.  Clipboard Maps shows you the layouts of every field.

Now, as to how much ord each object takes,,357450.msg4739201.html#msg4739201

Should get you started.

Good luck!  My personal favorite bombtruck was always the P47D40, but there's nothing wrong with a P38 either.  I'd personally avoid the one that leaves the rocket tubes on the wings in case you want to fight afterwards though.  They slow you way down.

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Offline bozon

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Re: Sugrgical Strat
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2015, 01:03:55 PM »
If 2000 lbs are enough, they the Typhoon is probably the fastest to deliver. It also dives very well so you have a chance to pull out and use the built up speed to evade immediate threat from fighters. The 4 hispanos can also do some serious damage.

Can't go wrong with a P47N or D40. D40 will get there faster, the N will be faster when it comes out. D25 is also good if you do not take rockets.

Absurdly, level bombers are more accurate than dive bombers in AH. For a fast delivery, TU2 has a great combination of speed, bomb load and some defensive capability. The Mosquito B.XVI is the fastest prop bomber by a large margin and can bring a wonderful 4000 lbs HC bomb +  2*500 lbs on the wings. It is lightly perked though and its only defense is speed and maneuverability, so taking a formation is likely to get you killed - fly it solo like a JABO, but use the F6 bomb sight. Drop, break away, and run home at 450 mph in a shallow dive. An efficient round trip is typically 9-12 minutes only. There is also the Arado jet, but that is more heavily perked and has a smaller bomb load per bomber.
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

Offline onerka

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Re: Sugrgical Strat
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2015, 07:48:54 PM »
Thanks for help...learned a lot in a few minutes.

Now to perform :)...that remains a question.


Offline Mongoose

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Re: Sugrgical Strat
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2015, 08:27:27 PM »
  It takes two 1k bombs and six rockets to kill a hangar.  This puts it in range of your standard fighter bomber.  The P-38L, my favorite plane, is good for the quick attack type of flight.  With a full load of ords and 3/4 fuel, standard climb will put it at 7K altitude by the time it hits the radar ring.

   Go into the offline practice arena.  Do some practice bomb runs there to get the hang of it.
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Re: Sugrgical Strat
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2015, 08:08:59 AM »
if you like come wing up with the 113th Lucky Strikes.  We fly as Knights any Saturday evening around 7PM EDST VOX 113.  We are a P38 Squad and you can see how we do it.   We also have lots of videos and films on our WIKI, Showing us taking down all manor of targets.  WIKI address in my sig.
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Offline Lusche

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Re: Sugrgical Strat
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2015, 09:17:53 AM »
If you want to do some surgical strat,  VH, ords, etc., what are the best planes?  What does it take to destroy the target? I know high bombers work, but thinking more an ASAP kind of situation.

But in case someone does consider taking a set of bombers for porking purposes (which has some significant advantages over 'faster' fighters at times), allow me to direct your attention to an overlooked gem:

The G4M.

No, I'm serious.  :old:

Operationally, the G4M is a very fast bomber. Not so much in top speed, but it has the ability to dart to 20k, be over a frontline base and pork the ords before anybody thinks about stopping you. With 50% fuel, it takes less than 15 minutes to reach 20k, and starting 2 full sectors away from your target will be sufficient for climbout, getting to top speed and to calibrate.
Yes, it's a very fragile plane under any kind of fire, but with a well planned approach you can at least avoid coming under fire too early.
4x250kg (550 lbs) means ords+dar on a small base (+1 bomb left for fun or score), all 4 ammo bunkers on a medium base or up to two hangars.

In the past years, I used the G4M a lot for porking purposes, coming in between 16 and 22k. A mission usually lasts between 25 and 40 minutes from tower to tower (unless shot down ;))

If you have (or want to) fight your way in, I'd recommend the B-26. You don't need much altitude in that, in most cases 11-14k is doing ok. When coming under attack, you have more chances in that one than in a Tu-2 to kill the attacker and continue your mission, as the Tu's armament is limited both in angles and in ammo supply.
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Offline Zimme83

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Re: Sugrgical Strat
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2015, 11:57:06 AM »
Ki-67. w 8x100kg  u can nock down a factory to ~65% if u take your time. They are also very fast and well defended.
(and if your name is Havermyr u can use them to do anything from deacking and porking to bomber interceptors...)
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Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Sugrgical Strat
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2015, 10:40:53 PM »
C'mon guys. TU-2s. Tho the Betty and KI-67 is a good option.
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Offline Zimme83

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Re: Sugrgical Strat
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2015, 01:10:08 AM »
Tu-2:s trades firepower for bomb load. As long as there is no resistance to expect its a valid option. I use it for tactical missions like ords/hanger or CV:s. It doesnt have the range or firepower to be a strat runner except in a few cases imo.
''The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge'' - Stephen Hawking