My thought process in a friendly 1v1 is more along the lines of 'what move will make me look the most cool and daring right now?' Closely followed by 'what happens if I try this new idea right here?' and then 'how can I make this fight fun for both of us?'
Winning the fight is a secondary objective to looking like a sky ninja and trying new things whilst also making sure both of us enjoy it.
.....and this is why I always love fighting bat <S>
So we are all in agreement here,
1. practice, practice, practice whether it's gunnery or flying this is a must.
2. never give up! fight the fight until the end whether its you in the tower of the other guyS

3. know the planes, weaknesses, and strengths not only the one your flying but the one your fighting.
4. fight people who are better than you. you can't improve if you don't push yourself.
5. leave your ego at the door. be honorable and respectful and you will have many more opportunities to learn.
6. don't be afraid to ask for help. Be it trainers or the guy that just shot you down. Ask, most will help.
7. with practice and experience learn to think ahead. Go to the place the enemy will go and shoot him there.
8. last and most importantly add Skyrr to your squelch/ignore list. The game is so much more fun this way!