You guys are still missing the point. The idea of "finding action" means different things to different people.
1. The Fights, those that are looking for air to air combat, anywhere anytime.
2. The Strategist, those looking at the entire map and planning efforts to win the map
3. The GVers, those looking for GV fights, anywhere anytime.
4. The Tacticians, those looking to setup missions.
5. The Loyalist, those doing what ever it takes to defend their "country" and help it win the map.
6. The Developers, those making maps, aircraft and gv skins, and sound packages.
All of these are part of what AH is about and is "action". Over the years this is what it has evolved to, and I think its pretty good. Do we need changes made? Maybe, but they should be done carefully, NOT a whole scale overhaul. Besides that this is not our decision to make, this is Hitechs living we are talking about, and those that work for him. I think they have done a pretty good job so far, and I believe that with the release of AH III we will see another major evolution of AH to an even better game.
So keep dreaming but be patient, and realistic.