It was great. I had 3 voice comms going on in my ears and then 2 txt chnnls to moniter so I was going nuts and ended up keying the wrong vox several times lol telling my wing to check six over command chnl or asking command a ? on squad TS or in game vox and wondering why i didnt get an answer lol
Yup he did,
Funny memory. I think I said it 2 times..."Wrong Channel 49!"
I had a blast. It was long and I admit by the end I was wiped out. I would do it again but next time I want to command a group not the entire thing. The CM guys do a great job as they are busy like that with every event. Some days I just want to fly. Win or lose this event, I had fun and by the chatter on this and many other threads, a lot of people had FUN.
Something to what LilMak wrote, This event was different in the fact that you could not go screaming in and die and then re-launch right away... unless it was at the top of the hour

I think that added an entire dynamic to the planning that we never had to deal with before.