Ok, I'll be the first one... 
Also I don't fly attack missions frequently and rarely fly Mosquito I registered with 613 squadron to try something different. I read once again
the great Bozon's guide to the wooden wonder, did some preliminary training at MA and found it as a difficult plane.
A day before the scenario had began I read the orders and discovered that we are going to do one of the most interesting missions I usually enjoy much - sneak in and kill the radars. I thought we are going to fly NOE, tried it several times at MA and found that my surviveability rate due to AAA was quite low

and my hitting ability from high altitude were even lower...
First SortieIn any case I stepped in, I was assigned as a wingman to Pembquit (who later received
several awards and commendations). Once the fields were open we took off and I followed pembquit to the target. I was glad that we took the medium altitude path rather than NOE attack. We got to the first radar (south west of Calais) and saw that it was in flames, we moved south to the next one. Pembquit entered the dive and destroyed the radar with laser guided weapon precision I stayed at altitude to cover, than we moved to the next radar this time I would bomb and pembquit cover, it was destroyed as well so I turned east to Dieppe area. I thought about all the time we were exposed to the LW CGI and was expecting to see 109 and 190 any time which made me little bit more nervous where every small dirt on my screen was considered as a con (lesson - always clear your windshield... hmmmm monitor before the flight)
Nevertheless I soon had visual contact with the radar tower and no bogies were around. I got into medium dive and dropped my 4x500lb bombs exiting at low altitude minimizing exposure to AAA fire. Unfortunately the radar was still standing

so I turned and settled to a strafing pass with 4x20mm canons. I opened a fire and saw the radar goes into flames. My Mosquito got at least several AAA hits but no system was damaged.
Reviewing the recording I saw that my first pair of bombs overshoot by some 1/2 of the tower height probably softening the target the second pair of bombs felt way further. The strafing finished the radar for good.
Now I was ordered to head back to England for refueling and Pembquit left as cover to another squadron member to destroy yet another radar. On my way home I heart the 613 lost one Mosquito and that XO was flying his damaged bird back to England on one engine.
Second SortieI landed refueled and was ordered to switch radio channel (and must admit at that point I lost all understanding of what is going on and where should I go, I personally think having overload at radio channel gives too much noise and it is very hard to understand who and to whom is talking, when we were on 613's private channel it was quite clear communication)
I took off still not understanding where to go and I saw Pembquit landing so I asked to stay with him as his wingman and was granted the permission. I circled a little while pembquit was refueling and followed him to Antwerp area. We had flown most of the time over the sea and than turned into the target. I had seen that pembquit was using little bit unusual tactics in dive bombing doing a loop over the target to loose the speed and diving almost vertically. I discussed it with him and decided to give it a try. The first radar was destroyed by pembquit in one pass. So we continued to the south. When he was covering me. I spotted a lonely 410 higher but he wasn't performing anything aggressive so I asked pembquit to watch him while I was preparing to bomb the radar. I did a small loop over the field and indeed I found myself at 8K at about 150mph over the field chopped the throttle and entered vertical dive. The radar tower looked strange from 90 degree dive I settled in. I suddenly hear pembquit warning me that there is 109 after me. I was already committed to the dive and decided that I would be very hard target for 109 so I continued with my dive concentrating on the target, speed & altitude. At 3K I released all 4 bombs and left at near blackout. I had seen 109G6 passing nearby and than disappearing from my view after I pooled from he dive I turned to the north in a shallow climb to the clouds.
I looked back and saw the radar was standing still

Reviewing the recording I had found that I hit the target I aimed almost perfectly, the problem the target wasn't the radar

I managed to misidentify probably the most visible target on any airfield

On the good side the 109 indeed didn't manage to exit the dive and crashed trying to kill me.
Third SortieWe flown as fast as we could towards the sea and went back to England for yet another refueling. Pembquit got yet another target assignment and we took off. We penetrated to he enemy territory somewhere between Calais and Dieppe. Then we heart a distress call from a fellow mosquito. Pembquit ordered to drop the bombs I had seen 110 and 410 chasing a single mosquito that was calling desperately for help. I saw Pembquit entered the dive I had inverted and entered split-S.... I started it at 8K at 410mph the 110 was about 2K... It was a big mistake. At around 520mph I heard my Mosquito screaming with anger and I lost my elevators and rudder.
I had seen 410 going into flames lighten up by Pembquit. My 110 was 400 yards in front of me and my mosquito was uncontrollable but at least already climbing. At 7.5K it flipped back and entered the dive once again. I abandoned it as 3K and had seen it falling to the sea when I was stripped to my chute... My inexperience in Mosquito had shown itself very-well.
OverallAt this point I left the game because I was too tired (had very busy Saturday - you know, real life) but I enjoyed every minute of flying this magnificent bird. I ended with destroying a radar (at least putting the last shell into it) and "maneuver-killing" one 109. Also it wasn't good record at all, but it was far more than what I expected from myself.