Author Topic: Please Read.  (Read 6840 times)

Offline hitech

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Please Read.
« on: July 23, 2015, 01:58:23 PM »
A few things to keep in mind.

This is a BETA test. Please do not compare our current Beta to other companies finished products. What you see now may be completely different in the final release.

You are here to help us create a product. We are not here to support the product on your system. Our goal is to fix bugs and complete Aces High, not to get the current Beta release working on your system. When you run into issues please try think about how to recreate it verses simply trying to work around it.

We will have different priorities than yours. Things you may think are major issues may be something we plan on addressing at a later time. An example of this was a stutter issue with one of the Alpha releases. It was a nuisance, for some people, but it really did not stop the Alpha from going forward, and hence I didn't spend much time trying to isolate the issue.

Be sure you install the Beta into a different folder than your current game folder.

Please post all issues/bugs, with the Beta, in this forum only, and in the thread labeled matching the version of the release.

Thanks for your help to complete Aces High III.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 12:39:05 PM by Skuzzy »