Thanks, but that's all Greek to me, I couldn't even locate the video card in the computer. I thought it was a good card when I bought the pc.... Stinks because I just got the card about a year ago. I thought I was buying a pc that could run this stuff maxed out... Guess it was $$$ wasted.
Are they getting $700-800 for video cards, or am I reading that 2nd link wrong?
Thanks again.
Fortunately you're reading the link wrong. They're advertising entire computers including the card in question, clicking the images take you to Amazon where you can see the rest of the details plus variations of the theme.
And no, it wasn't $$$ wasted, you can play the current AH2 quite well with your rig, can't you? Besides it's the mediocre cards like yours that serve the Alpha development best: HiTech already knows that with a top notch system the Alpha will run everything maxed without a hitch. Trying to get the new game fluent on a budget system is what he's after.