6- Posting pornographic, drug, or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated. This includes attempts to bypass the profanity filter. This is a family friendly bulletin board.1) Pornographic is a given. No issues with dat rule. Family board.
2) Drugs. Yeah, no issues. Family board.
3) Generally offensive text, images links...by WHO'S standards? If you're a God-fearing, Church Going Christian, the threshold may be quite low! But if you're a Mid Western, Redneck, Long Haired (well, used to be) country boy, the standard and allowable limit goes UP! Especially when you get older and more senile!
4) Profanity Filter. Testing it now. I'd like to diddly Xbrit in the stunninghunk with Swoop's dick. How'd I do? Okay, I suppose it's needed.
Okay, seriously, this was just a thread for fun. Lock it, give me a day off. See you next week or did I call out that the Emperor has no clothes and banned for life? DON'T KILL ME MAN! I HAVE SENIORITY!
Oh, and I need to add a Ginger to make the post perfect...