There will always be mistakes made cause we live in an imperfect world and we are imperfect creatures. Doctors, Lawyers, Soldiers, Teachers, Cops...ect all make mistakes.
Over the weekend we had 2 killed and 43 shot in what is actually only limited areas of the city. Now these are just bullets that hit someone that we know about. Its a maelstrom of violence we have to enter, mostly involved are angry young people who have no respect for authority and are just ignorant to the bone. Theres no real leadership cause nobody knows what in hell to do when you have tens of thousands of gang members, associate gang members, and other criminal types running wild. I mean just listen to the sound of silence from D.C. when a Police gets killed or hurt.
I almost killed an unarmed guy once. It was very dark, he was drunk at his ex-girlfriends house, he was pointing what looked like a gun at us and himself and he wouldnt drop it. I had him dead to rights at 75' on a rest and some instinct prevented me from finishing that trigger squeeze. Or maybe it was just luck. Anyway it turned out being one of those old time flip out cell phones. A black one. On that dark street it looked just like a gun to all of us. This balloon head wanted to get killed with his 'ex watching not caring a damn for what it would do to any of us.
The only way to never make a mistake , or to cut the odds, is to just avoid playing the game. Its a damn shame when a lawful citizen cant enjoy their neighborhood because of gangsters and criminals. But nobody is marching because of them right? And in the big cities at least the ability of the Police to make a meaningful impact is lessening more each year.
We just had a little boy killed by gangsters gunning for his daddy who was on the porch with him. Despite numerous felony gun and drug convictions this guy was on that porch because the heat was on the judges to avoid putting these offenders in prison because local congresspersons think doing so is a racist response which means these knuckleheads get pass after pass. This kids father had 45 previous pinches and a 7yo ends up having to pay for it. And like a good little gangster "Daddy" refused to cooperate with Police.