I think I'm beginning to understand the texture channel thing so now I have more questions LOL. I'll start with the easy dumb ones. Please forgive me if they're answered previously.
Why do you call the primary texture for an object or terrain texture, the diffuse texture?
Shouldn't there be a .txt file to accompany the bump map? And if so, what is the format?
What is 'the gutter' in a 508x terrain texture and is it really a 508x508 bitmap?
Is the gutter the reason I see a green(?) outline or border between some of the massed texture types? I see a border between some large areas of massed textures.
Here's a .psave:
FOV = 50.5
The default terrain texture sets are arranged in '...\atlas\terrset00.res, 01.res and 02 etc.
I'm assuming the user's set will be in its own folder. Have you determined where it will reside and what the folder naming convention will be?
I haven't seen any trees with bear(ish) branches powdered with snow.
Hitech mentioned that the '3. Trees and other non damageable objects...<snip> but due to copyright issues they will not be replaceable or extractable.' Does this really mean we won't be able to replace them and won't be able to extract an example .ac file to create new ones?
In that same post, is a reference:
'Also I have included a sample of the different files for terrain textures.'
Are those samples found somewhere else?
Oh, I forgot, and since no one else is asking as far as I know. Shouldn't there be at least one dedicated underwater texture, or did I miss it? The rest of the guys could do marvels with that stuff and water depth.