You fly a plane that only a few can really tangle with and wonder why people run from you?
There seems to be just a hint of misunderstanding here...
As for me, when I see a Brewie, SOP is to:
1. avoid it unless it's the only con around
2. make high speed firing passes on it if the condition in 1 does not apply
That's when I'm flying a 109.
If I were up in an Oscar, I might just engage in a turn fight with the silly thing.
Tactics: what this is about. Shooting drones? Booooring.
I share your puzzlement, Caldera.
As for the rest of the whining, perhaps the subject line is drawing it. the "sysop" who claims hacks extant: put up or shut up. I well remember how long it took me to learn some of this air combat stuff. I had a head full of Robert Shaw and a bucnh of crap I learned back in my aero engin days and about zero virtual stick time and wondered how it was that the other guy was always better. Instead of blaming the game, I made an effort to learn. It's worth it. I make no claims about 'leet or uber status, but I do have some really enjoyable fights - and I win many of 'em. Baby seals? I can spot 'em now. Like those two new SEs (in a Spit VIII and 109g-14) who let me kill 'em from 1 on 2 the other day or that idiot who managed to hand me three TU-2 kills Sunday, almost without having to fire a shot.
The lesson here: don't quit before the good part. Pick an a/c and learn to fly it. Pretty soon, you'll be clubbing whiners. I feel right now, after doing this part time for a number of years, that I am finally at beginner status. I know my tools and how to use 'em.
BTW, I have to give some credit to Skyyr for some thinking that I've managed to internalize in the 1:1 or even the multi-ac engagements. His admonition to make a quick eval of the opponent's ac and energy state is extremely useful, almost a precept to Hartmann's rules of engagement. I can't tell you haw many times I've pulled up relative climb and speed perf charts and Mosq's turn rate perf charts to get to a state in which I can quickly do an eval.
You could almost publish flash cards on it...
You: 109g-14 co-alt at 350 TAS merging with an NiK2 co-E...
All that said, 109g-14 co-alt/co-E versus Spit XVI - I WILL HO YOU, you little sissy, and if you don't like that, fly something that's more of a challenge.