Don't worry, you'll do fine Serenity....
(Image removed from quote.)
lol yeah, that picture has made it's rounds. The cause is a pretty interesting piece of engineering that we can thank the Brits with the Hawk for.
We have an anti-skid system which works like ABS in a car. With Anti-Skid on, you get almost no chance of blowing a tire even slamming on the brakes. With the anti-skid switch off, you have no protection against blown tires. Where's the retarded engineering?
If the anti-skid system fails a BIT, and your switch is in the ON position, you get ZERO braking ability at all.
So, this student was a solo, back from FCLPs at El Centro, (So long day, tired, with carrier pressurized tires). He got an emergency at El Centro (Don't remember what exactly it was) and for some reason the LSO at El Centro sent him back to North Island, rather than trapping at El Centro. Then, also inexplicably, the LSO at NASNI decided not to have him trap there either, even though the runway was wet... so, wet runway, anti-skid fail in the on position so no brakes at all, and carrier pressurized tires... screaming off the end of the runway!
Even funnier than putting it in the drink, the kid was FLAILING on the way out, pressing everything he could press, as evidenced by the fact that when they got to the jet, the GTS was running (The Gas Turbine Starter, which he had to have switched on for god only knows why...)
But it's worth mentioning, that's not a TW-2 bird, that's one of the jokers over in Mississippi