Author Topic: A good morning to reflect on college football  (Read 50425 times)

Offline NatCigg

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #45 on: November 11, 2015, 07:17:57 AM »
F the Irish and no to MAC/Big Ten.  But thanks for playing.   Some Michigan fans are delusional and unable to accept any facts/criticism of their team.   They are not relevant right now, but slappies will say they are.   When they actually make it to the Big 10 Championship on a consistent basis, they might be relevant again.  When they can actually win a Big 10 Championship, they might be relevant again.  Here and now for this season, UM lost to MSU and will more than likely get taken to pound town by OSU, barring an epic MASH Unit of injuries from OSU.   College Football is about what you do now, not what you did 10 years ago.     

It is funny watching you three scramble and relive your high school years, in trying to figure out who I root for.    Most of my family went to/graduated from Michigan.   But nope, since 1983 I have rooted for another team.   I will root for Michigan, as long as they do not play my team.   However, I watch quite a few games every Saturday and can separate dreams from reality. 

Ham, I went to Michigan Stadium from 1994-2004 for every Home Game except one, as my wife used to get Alumni seats.   I also wore my teams colors and gained the respect of excellent Michigan fans who sat around me and still attend their tailgates/bowl parties to this day.  Most of those fans are capable of taking of the maize and blue glasses.  Once David Brandon did the scholarship hike (while sitting on $45 million in untaxable monies) and no one in my family wanted those seats.  I got Detroit Tigers season tickets from 2005-2010, as I was already down there 30 games a season.   I watch many games on Saturday, so that torpedoes your baseless assumptions.    Watching you three knock each other over has been a riot.   Thank you for the laughs.   

 :rolleyes: back to the bullpen please.  :ahand
no need for snooty haters, like nate said the bandwagon will save a seat for you, only its going to be another ten years before the tigers are good again.  :neener:


Offline Nathan60

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #46 on: November 11, 2015, 07:46:06 AM »
Hey NatCig you see any baseless accusations tossed about by me? or any relevant fact presented anywhere in this thread? NO me either. Funny how people toss about the word 'relevant' in relation to college football teams cuz I am pretty sure a 0-9 team can be relevant when they beat an 9-0 team that's why college football is so great anyone can beat anyone, but some people  would rather vomit thier opinion all over a forum and present it as fact while competently putting down anyone who has a different opinion. YOU know those kinda people that bring an element of negativity to what is obviously supposed to abe a light, civil and adult conversation.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 07:57:33 AM by Nathan60 »
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #47 on: November 11, 2015, 08:17:15 AM »
Civil?  Really "Notre Dame"?   Since 2000:

Michigan vs Michigan State - 3-12
Michigan vs OSU - 3-12

Keep tap dancing Ham.  Two teams are at the top of the heap in the Big Ten and UM is not one of them, yet.   Those teams are consistently playing well.   Especially OSU and I hate OSU. 

Edit:   Michigan is supposed to beat the other Big Ten teams each season.   But again, two games matter for three teams.

"Hater"?   Why?   Because Michigan hasn't done much in the last ten years and I refuse to budge from that documented fact NatCigg?    "Bandwagon"?   Whose bandwagon am I on?   I am very critical of my teams and do not defend half-assery or just sliding by. 

« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 08:36:53 AM by Masherbrum »
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Offline Nathan60

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #48 on: November 11, 2015, 09:28:14 AM »
Civil?  Really "Notre Dame"?   Since 2000:

Michigan vs Michigan State - 3-12
Michigan vs OSU - 3-12

Keep tap dancing Ham.  Two teams are at the top of the heap in the Big Ten and UM is not one of them, yet.   Those teams are consistently playing well.   Especially OSU and I hate OSU. 

Edit:   Michigan is supposed to beat the other Big Ten teams each season.   But again, two games matter for three teams.

"Hater"?   Why?   Because Michigan hasn't done much in the last ten years and I refuse to budge from that documented fact NatCigg?    "Bandwagon"?   Whose bandwagon am I on?   I am very critical of my teams and do not defend half-assery or just sliding by.
Didnt know that would push your buttons so hard, Im sorry you're right about everything.
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Offline NatCigg

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #49 on: November 11, 2015, 09:44:09 AM »
Um-msu is tied 8-8 since 2000.  After rich rod and the loss of morals and dantonios second year its MSU 7-1.  Brought to you by that means before rich Michigan had it 7-1.  I'd say game on and bunches of MSU fans will be waiting for basketball season again.  :evil:

Offline Brooke

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #50 on: November 11, 2015, 12:20:42 PM »
Civil?  Really "Notre Dame"?   Since 2000:

First it was "You Michigan guys live in the past."

Then, when we pointed out that we are living in this year, you use "since 2000".

You say that, unless a team regularly plays in national championships, they aren't relevant.  By that measure, maybe no team is relevant.

Then you say that unless a team regularly plays for the conference championship, they aren't relevant (which is diluting your original definition by a factor of 10).  Still, by that metric, very few teams in college football are relevant.  Let's look at just the Big 10 for the past 5 years.  Ohio State was champion in 2014, and MSU for 2013 and 2010 (cochamp), and Wisconsin was champion in 2012, 2011, and 2010 (cochamp) -- three years in a row -- but you define them as irrelevant, in contradiction to your own exaggerated definition.

No one here is arguing that Michigan was a powerhouse every year "since 2000".  No one here is saying that Michigan is the best team in the nation in 2015.

We are merely saying that, in 2015, Michigan is certainly relevant, unless one takes an absurd, ridiculous, and self-contradictory definition of what "relevant" means.

Offline alskahawk

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #51 on: November 11, 2015, 12:44:11 PM »
 Go Iowa!

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #52 on: November 11, 2015, 01:05:57 PM »
Go Iowa!

At least you're honest with your team bro.  :salute
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #53 on: November 11, 2015, 01:14:10 PM »
First it was "You Michigan guys live in the past."

No one here is arguing that Michigan was a powerhouse every year "since 2000".  No one here is saying that Michigan is the best team in the nation in 2015.

No. You posted the championships picture which is the usual modus operandi.  I merely retorted as such, but nice try to spin that one on to me.  I can concede the co champs of 1997, but the rest of it as I said prior doesn't matter.

There are most certainly three teams and the other two are definitely ahead of Michigan.   Much to the dismay of a few posters here.  I merely used 2000 as a solid litmus test of all three programs in trying not to "live in the past".   In three to five years the gap might be closed.   But I have already said all of this while everyone else decided to do the two step.

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Offline Brooke

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #54 on: November 11, 2015, 02:51:04 PM »
No. You posted the championships

Again -- that was a discussion with a separate person on a separate topic.  It wasn't directed at you.  It wasn't in reply to any post by you.  It isn't part of my discussion on this topic with you.  It isn't -- at all -- part of my discussion of whether or not Michigan is a relevant football team in 2015.

There are most certainly three teams and the other two are definitely ahead of Michigan.

I'm not disputing that.  However, having two teams ranked higher than you does not make you irrelevant.

Let's look at the progression of your definitions of relevance.
-- 1st was relevance = regularly playing for the national championship.  Clearly, this makes all or nearly all teams irrelevant.
-- So, 2nd was relevance = regularly winning the conference championship.  This has similar problems to the above.
-- Now, 3rd, I guess, relevance = no more than one team ahead of you in rankings.  Well, at least now you have two teams in the country that are relevant, and everyone else (from #3 on down) is irrelevant.  This still is exaggerated to absurdity.

I merely used 2000 as a solid litmus test of all three programs in trying not to "live in the past".

First, you can't use a discussion of 2000 (which is the past) as a tool to not discuss the past.  Second, I am not talking to you about the past but about 2015 (which is the present).

Remember, here is what I'm talking about with you:  that Michigan (in 2015) is not irrelevant except by a definition of relevance that is exaggerated to an absurd and self-contradictory level.

Offline Brooke

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #55 on: November 11, 2015, 07:22:53 PM »
I am very happy with this year for Michigan -- they are already doing way better than I had deemed likely.

And here is my daydream:
-- Ohio State beats MSU.
-- Michigan wins all its remaining games, including then the Big 10 championship vs. Iowa.
-- Michigan gets into the playoffs and wins it all.

538 says it isn't impossible!

I also would like to win the lottery.

If I do, I will buy all of you a beer, even Masherbrum.  He can even drink it out of an Ohio State glass.

Offline Plazus

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #56 on: November 11, 2015, 07:58:58 PM »
Since 2000:

Michigan vs Michigan State - 3-12
Michigan vs OSU - 3-12

Thread = over.



I want to just drop this in here as well-

- Rich Rod is now trolling UM by having much more success at Arizona.

- Hoke now works on a Sirius XM radio talk show.

- Who knows where Harbaugh will end up. This guy is mentally unstable.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 08:02:19 PM by Plazus »
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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #57 on: November 11, 2015, 08:11:39 PM »
I mean just look at this guy:

Won't be long til he bails out of TTUN. That is if he doesn't spontaneously self-combusts.
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Offline Brooke

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #58 on: November 11, 2015, 09:45:31 PM »
Plazus, my noble Roman friend, don't worry.  It results in gigantic media coverage.  :aok

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: A good morning to reflect on college football
« Reply #59 on: November 11, 2015, 09:53:14 PM »
Thread = over.



I want to just drop this in here as well-

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)
- Rich Rod is now trolling UM by having much more success at Arizona.

- Hoke now works on a Sirius XM radio talk show.

- Who knows where Harbaugh will end up. This guy is mentally unstable.

Thank you Plaz.   Some post championships pre-WWII, but keeping 2000+, is not good enough.   I'm not allowed to bring up Appalachian State/Toldeo.   I am not allowed to bring up the bumbling oaf who couldn't make anything out of "5 star recruits", while MSU thrashed them with 3 and 4 star recruits.     

Now that the messiah is in Ann Arbor, only this year is allowed to be talked about and MSU has already beaten them (again).   The funniest thing is that I live 30 minutes from Ann Arbor and work 10 minutes from there and live this talk daily.  Most of my family went there, graduated there.       

The bottom line is that Michigan hasn't accomplished much since being Co-Champs in 1997.   
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
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