Author Topic: Alpha Patch 87 download (November 20,2015)  (Read 641 times)

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Alpha Patch 87 download (November 20,2015)
« on: November 20, 2015, 04:37:35 PM »
Welcome to the alpha Patch 87.  This was built and released on November 20, 2015.

Test goals:
Test the auto-updater. Report any anomalies.
Test the VOX system.  Go to the "Mission" arena, set the "V" channel to your game ID, and see if it echoes back your voice.
Check the new lighting engine in as many planes (cockpits and external), using different time settings in the arena (offline best for this).  Report (images welcome) any issues.

If possible with multiple people testing the voice setting to see if you can hear more then one person speak at a time.

Action: Fixed an issue with the skin viwer and skins not using correct normal maps.
Action: Fixed an issue causing a spawn point on large air fields to break.
Action: Air spawns should now work.
Action: Fixed this issue
   Another view issue in the Object Editor

   At some angles, the objects placed in the OE disappear so I've included 2 jpg.

   I hadn't noticed any red wireframe balls before.
Action: We are now using the fmod studio event systems for almost all sounds.
Most sounds are simply the old ones used as place holders.
Airplanes are now using the new engine system, but we only have 1 engine type as a place holder.

Additional Information:
We are no longer providing a direct link to the patch file.  We want everyone to use the auto-updater and if any anomalies show up, please report them.

There is a debug command you can use for testing: .sliders

It will open a slider panel on the clip board that you can adjust the brightness of shapes/terrain and trees.

Note: This is only for testing to see what settings you like best. Please post the numbers if you like something different.  Also state if you are using post lighting effects or not.
1.0 Is what it used to be on all sliders. Trees have been moved from 2.0 to 1.5 on this patch as default.

Use the ".psave filename" command to save your position in the terrain/world.  If you do not provide a file name, then file will be saved as "cmepos.txt" in the "settings" folder.  Thank you!

State of the Dev Cave!
We have a few items left for us to convert / rewrite to the new system.

1) Road/ train system.

Thanks for the help with the creation of AH3.

HiTech & Crew


The full install:
Full Version 0.01 Patch 87.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese