to add to sustained turn performance for the F4U series:
all the F4U models F4U-1A, F4U-1C, F4U-1D and F4U-4 all have their best sustained turn rate with 2 notches of flaps out, once the 3rd notch of flaps is lowered it starts to degrade
this is not so with the F4U-1 model, to where once you drop the first set of Flaps, it's sustained turn rate will remain constant through out dropping each additional flap setting all the way to full flaps.... it is the only F4U model in the whole series that is different from the rest of them.
I relate it to being like this because of it being the most under powered of them all, yet I find knowing how to utilize this ability of the constant sustained turn rate through out 1 notches of flaps out all the way to all flaps out helps in surprising other players who fly spitfires, zeros, Hurri's and other plane models.....
I find setting trim to a manual trim setting of cruising speed ( roughly 320 to 330 IAS without wep ) and leaving it there, helps the F4U series ( all variants ) in regaining Energy faster, because the aircraft tends to pick up speed faster once the nose is pointed down without fighting against the combat trim ( relate it to unneeded Drag, my own personal opinion ).... players have tested this long ago, it is a very small advantage, but any advantage is good when trying to regain a split second over your opponent
I used to love flying the -1D model, even though my favorite has always been the -1..........but when the skins were updated and the big head armor protector was added in, I began to frown away from flying the -1D .....
Some Good points FLS, Kingpin, Violator
and Morfiend, you are recalling correctly regarding the pylons
Nice discussion going on in this thread

Happy New Year! everyone