Author Topic: Beta Patch 0 download (January 13,2015)  (Read 752 times)

Offline Skuzzy

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Beta Patch 0 download (January 13,2015)
« on: January 13, 2016, 03:34:50 PM »
Welcome to Beta Patch 0.  This was built and released on January 13, 2015.

Test goals:
Test for stability. Test all the arenas.  Test the Custom player arenas.

Action: Fixed an issue with the Object Editor which would cause objects to change to groups in the Edit Tree function.
Action: If you change terrain sets while editing a Terrain Tile, the Object Editor automatically loads the new terrset tile.
Action: 17 LBers sight should now be functional.
Action: Arena Types are now separated by tabs.
Action: "Set to terrain alt" check box is now disabled for Tile (square) shapes.
Action: Rato sounds should now be functional.
Action: Player created Arenas are now available.
Action: Added WWI engine sounds.
Action: Adjusted many sound distances.

Additional Information:
1)  If you patch from Patch 91, you will end up with two desktop ICONS.  One is for the last Alpha version.  The new one is linked to the new Beta version.

2)  There will be an extra entry in the Windows Start programs panel showing "Aces High Beta Game".  The old "Aces High Alpha Game" link will still be there.

If you remove the Patch 91 Alpha, then install the full version of the Beta, everything will be normal.

Use the ".psave filename" command to save your position in the terrain/world.  If you do not provide a file name, then file will be saved as "cmepos.txt" in the "settings" folder.  Thank you!

State of the Dev Cave!
We Are very close to going to an open beta.
We have a few sound things to complete and then if things are stable, we will move on to open beta.

1) Road/ train system.

Thanks for the help with the creation of AH3.

HiTech & Crew


The patch:
Patch 91 to Beta 0.

The full install:
Full Version 0.02 Patch 0.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 08:47:16 AM by Skuzzy »
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese