Author Topic: MISSIONS ONLY  (Read 197 times)

Offline OhioWing

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« on: January 16, 2016, 07:45:44 PM »
I understand this "beta" is to solicit comments from users to address as many issues as possible before the final is presented. My comment regards the "missions only" offering. Its obvious that this restriction impacts numbers of users in general. I have seen no more than 11 since I joined. This alone should be significant....what may be working well now may certainly have an impact from hundreds of simultaneous users down the road. Next is pilot perspective. I'm not exactly sure what is different ...however clearly my SA is dramatically different than the main game. I seem unable to grasp distance as it applies to my location...I know where the enemy is I just don't know where I am in relationship to them and the ground. The engine noise is a great improvement...however I sense the only element changing is the volume. Perhaps an additional sound depicting changes in rpm would really enhance engine operation. Aircraft bullet damage is feel it and it says your taking damage. Well done!! Lastly I feel the overall display of characters and just general display presentation should calm down. The military is known by all as a regimented assembly of stoic color and known forms. Not everything needs to be green and brown but presentation should replicate color and form of military forms/shapes and colors we are familiar with. Some attention to this would bring a sense of organization and professionalism along with it. I don't believe most players see this as a has a place in your routine like eating breakfast and turning on the TV....sweeping the porch. I have had dreams about being on the ground and the entire world around me looked just like the Aces High fields and mountains. I doubt other players have dreams but they are committed to this game like a part of their family. I cant think of anything I'd rather do than play Aces High...well maybe its a good second. Regardless I hope the game lasts forever and my kids and their kids get the same level of enjoyment that I do.

Offline hitech

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« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2016, 07:50:05 PM »
There are other tabs beside missions

Offline JimmyD3

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« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2016, 03:38:21 PM »
Try the Melee tab then GS4, free flight.
CO Sic Puppies MWK
USAF 1971-76