Author Topic: interesting SB film - aiming issue in SB.  (Read 356 times)

Offline GrandpaChaps

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interesting SB film - aiming issue in SB.
« on: January 24, 2016, 03:54:19 PM »
SB aiming off in these two films.  alt-q mode in both.  first portion of first film, started aim with map, then went to alt-q, tried to line up distance by reticles, but saw that the travel of the gun didn't match the reticle travel.  2nd video extra, odd that reticles don't have same line-up like in current game.  Also, as CV gets father away, the horizon seems to be masked by fog, which may be intended. But, when SB fires, it reveals the boats of the CV in the distance.  You can also see shots hit the CV, some definitely "appear" to travel through get an visual explosion view (profile) that appears to show the deck of the CV on a hit.  Interesting effects.  So, second film may just be informational, may not be any bug report.  But, first film definitely an issue with SB alt-q.
Uncle Fred

Offline GrandpaChaps

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Re: interesting SB film - aiming issue in SB.
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2016, 03:57:45 PM »
Something also interesting, not sure if intended, BUT, note that from SB, sometimes the trees can be in the way.  Note early views in the first film.  I didn't shoot, should next time.  So, not sure if they would pose a problem, but they do with the view.  Now, in real life, I'm not sure trees would be allowed to grow around an SB like to that to interfere either with view/aim or shot.
Uncle Fred