To Oddball-CAF,
It was mostly us who you were dealing with, the cow skins normally give it away. We spent most of the afternoon CAPing the boats, with our priority watching for those bostons. Thus as long as you weren't directly endangering our group, keeping control of the fight and on station was the priority. Albeit Bruv came through and caused much havoc while I was away, I am looking for revenge for that

. Unfortunately for us both, there never was a strike in this time period, this would have obviously forced a fight over the bostons and ships. There wasn't any logical reason to send in hurri's 25k+ over the boats unless it was a sweep for a strike, thus once the fight was under control we spent a lot of our time looking and waiting for the bostons that never came. Hurr II's cannon armed are bomber slayers in this setup and in my opinion should have been allocated as such, especially over your boats in mass. Again not sure what your actual mission was there. Let me give your group credit though, Not once did I see you guys leave a strangler behind. We'd make a pass on one of your guys we thought was climbing or not paying attention to keep pressure on. Even if that guy broke away from your group where we would have any easy chance to make a quick kill, the entire rest of the group would come back and cover him. I even mentioned this to SIK1 (my wingman), as they are not going to leave anybody behind. Keep in mind the mission always comes first in a team event, what you are doing may not always be fun, but if it's helping your side, you do what is ordered. Plus I think it normally evens out in the end, slow missions are often followed by some very intense ones. I had a very slow night, but some of my guys had a very exciting one, If I was five minutes earlier two different times, I could have caught up to Bruv for example as he was RTBing both times I showed up. Not that I wouldn't have died a horrible death (hopefully not), but I was looking forward to the fight. Also 30k fights can be fun but you have to train up there to get good at them, I've done some great fights with Hub at 30k, 47M vs K4. Sik1, Myself, and Kingpin are all pretty accomplished up there if interested in some high alt work.
