One question I'd like to discuss with folks -- please all chip in on this discussion.
This scenario could have level bombers and attack planes as separate groups (like we have it currently), or it could have one group with 3 lives in level bombers and 3 in attack planes, which they can use in any order they want.
What are thoughts about that?
Here is a fuller description of what's going through my mind on this.
In scenarios, it is usually the case that you have some plane type that was in the real battle which is not so popular in AH or that might have a tough time in the particular scenario setup.
Sometimes, such a plane is just eliminated or another plane type is substituted because it does no good to have the plane in the scenario if no one registers for it or flies it. You might as well then not have it.
In this scenario, an example is the Stuka. It was in the battle, not FW 190F-8's. However, the Stuka is a very vulnerable plane, and groups of them are basically dead if even a couple of fighters happen upon them. They can do OK in a scenario where there is a lot of territory, with targets spread out all over the place, but that is not the case here. So, I made the decision to substitute the FW 190F-9 (since 190's eventually replaced Stukas -- I was accelerating history).
However, another approach is to keep it in, but make it available to players as extra lives. For example, you get some lives in your primary plane and some lives in Stukas -- something like that. Then folks are generally OK if they get killed in all their normal lives to fly a Stuka around.
The Il-2 is not as vulnerable as the Stuka (thanks to its sturdiness, guns, and it might turn a little better), and there is more it can do when it gets to a target (since it has more bombs plus rockets and good guns).
I am wondering, though, if the close-in action of this scenario will allow for fun Il-2 piloting, or if it will seem like a death trap every mission. In the latter case, I should consolidate the level and attack bombing groups into one group.
What are people's thoughts on this? Keep in mind that, if you have never flown bombers or attack planes in a scenario, you might not fully know what things are like.