Bad choice of words on my part, but the word "equivalent" and the fact that no F-35 could possibly have flown 7000 hours yet should have given you pause.
I don't follow the programme I'm too busy with my own projects. I just pass the break times and train journeys on the AH forum for entertainment.
“The crack was not predicted to occur by prior analyses or modeling,” she said.”
Yeah because they switched materials to save weight. Quite a drastic shift of materials too.
Why would they announce anything?
They don't have to. But what's that business about anything you fail to say now which you will use in your defence later. That's all I meant with that. Important to deduce as well as extrapolate. To me anyway.
“Because of the high hours accumulated,” this “discovery does not affect current F-35B flying operations,” he said, adding that the suspension of ground testing won’t affect the Marine Corps’ goal of declaring its first squadron operational no later than December 2015.
But they also conceded it would require a lengthy redesign. They've tried to save a relatively small amount of weight with a core, structural material change. From this you infer all is well?
Respectfully I think you're missing the point. Perhaps deliberately I don't know. We're reading the same articles and you interpret all is well, according to plan. I read the same and think, Crikey, they really switched from Titanium for that little of a weight saving in an almost ad hoc stylee in the core structure, and now they've found it failed enough to pass the cracks to the neighbouring bulkhead? I hope they can solve it, because they're in a lot of trouble there with very little margin.