Author Topic: Battle of the Dnieper Write Up  (Read 408 times)

Offline BFOOT1

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Battle of the Dnieper Write Up
« on: April 28, 2016, 08:05:59 AM »
As most of you know I always do some sort of write up for the scenarios I participate in, because one they're fun, and two they help people get immersed. I don't think this is my best write up, but we will see how you all react.  :salute

September 1943,

It's a beautiful sunny day on the Eastern Front. The sun is still rising in the east, and the grass is still a bit damp from the morning dew. The warmth of the sun around reminds you of the summers you spent along the Alps with your family before the war broke out. You think about your two brothers, one who was killed in Stalingrad with the 44. Infanterie-Division. He was apart of Infanterie-Regiment 134, and was killed right before the last of his unit was taken prisoner. Your mother carries your older brothers Iron Cross 1st Class with her in her pocket everywhere she goes to tell people of his sacrifice. Your youngest brother who joined the Hitler Youth at the age of 14 in 1937. He is now serving with the SS Division 'Totenkopf', 2nd Regiment. The last you heard of him was that he was around a place called Stepanovka. The last time you talked, he was beginning to doubt that Germany would win the war, and he was beginning to question their purpose for being on the Eastern Front, and if it was all worth it.

The sound of artillery fire in the distance brings you back to the present time. Your airfield is just a forward field setup near the front to help support the troops on the ground. You've been flying with JG52 since the Battle of Britain, a seasoned veteran, and top notch pilot, you've managed to amass 59 confirmed victories over your career. Like the rest of JG52 since you've been on the Eastern Front your tally has gradually increased. As a pilot in Staffel 3 you lead a the 2nd Schwarm of aircraft, while Gruppenkommandeur Gunther Rall has overall command of 3/JG52. You see Rall rise out of his hut and approach you, "Heinz, Heinrich (that's you), come with me."

Rall says, "Get them up and ready, we are flying a patrol looking for Russian bombers."

You both reply, "Jawohl, Gruppenkommandeur."

You find the pilots of your schwarm lounging about talking about their wives, and mistresses.

"Get your gear we're going up."

Adelbert, the newest member of your schwarm is the first to rise. He is always eager to get in the sky for a chance to fight. He has claimed 9 victories so far, but all he talks about is getting the Ritterkreuz, he has broken formation to chase a lone fighter in which he was jumped by three Yak-9's. He managed to shoot down one, before he himself was shot up. Luckily for him, he was saved by a pair of Fw-190's lurking in the area. Erich is your Rottenfuhrer in your schwarm, he is a seasoned pilot with 22 victories, and a damn good shot. He is very reliable, and will hopefully make it through the war. He is very selective as a pilot, and will only shoot when he can claim a victory. Ernest is your wingman, and has been flying your wing for over a year. You two make an unstoppable pair. Both we eyes like that of a hawk, you can spot the enemy way before he sees you. He knows every move you will make, and has cleared your six more times than you care to know.

As your pilots go to their planes, you mount your fighter, a Bf-109 G-6. The crest of 3/Jg52 hangs on the nose of your fighter. Your victories are marked upon your rudder, and your aircraft bares the identification of black 12. You climb in your cockpit, while your crew chief helps you strap in. You check your flaps, ailerons, elevators, fuel pressure, oil pressure, mixture, and touch the ignition. The Dailmer-Benz engine whines softly as she roars to life, and begins a study rhythmic hum. You touch the Knights Cross which dangles around your neck for good luck, and wait for the command to roll.

Over the front lines...

Flying at an altitude of 12,000 feet, your flight hasn't seen anything so far. 3/Jg52 makes a slight right hand turn back towards the Soviet lines, when you spot a flicker at your 2, o clock low. "Russian bombers, 2,o clock low, at 5,000 feet." You look at Rall as he waggles his wings and rolls over to the right, diving away. The rest of the Staffel follows in suit, with your schwarm making up the rear. As you close in you see a flight of twelve Tu-2's making their way to German lines. Your flight passes through 8,000 feet when you spot something in the clouds. You call your Schwarm to follow you. As you breakout of the cloud you find yourself behind a flight of eight Yak-9's. They must providing some sort of escort for the bombers. You close in on the tail-end charlie of the the Yak's and give him a burst from 200 yards out. His plane begins to smoke, a fire breaks out, and he begins to dive. "Horrido!" You shot as you have claimed victory number 60. The Yak's then break left and right, and you and your schwarm trail after the ones breaking right. Your wingman slips in and fires a on the closest Yak ripping of his right wing. That's his 19th Victory. The other two Yaks dive for the deck, and you reform your Schwarm. You see a fight breaking out to your 11' o clock and realize its the rest of the staffel attacking the Tu-2's. You push your throttle forward, and ease on into the action. Your press on towards one of the Tu-2's lagging behind. Tracer fire arches past your 109 from the Tu-2. You close in further, aiming for the No. 1 engine opening fire. The engine begins to leak coolant and oil, as pieces of the aircraft go past your plane. You fire another burst that sets the aircraft ablaze as the Tu-2 dips away. 'Horrido!' Victory number 61. Shouts of Horrido fill your headset, as 3/JG52 is having a field day with the Red Devils today. You look back and realize that Adelbert is missing.

"Adelbert, where are you?"

"Chasing a Yak Herr Leutnant, I'll be back soon."

You look over to your 10' o clock and see a low 109 chasing a yak deeper into Soviet territory.

You shake your head, and begin to head towards Adelbert. You pass through a cloud, and as you come through you spot Adelbert climbing, and the Yak burning in a field. "Adelbert, never leave formation  again or you will be reprimanded."

"Jawohl, herr Leutnant."

Your Schwarm rejoins the rest of the staffel as you begin to head home. Your losses are none, and the staffel is claiming eight victories. As you turn back to the West, your headset erupts.

"Fighters! Behind is and diving break, break."

You look behind to see a flight of twelve Yak-9's and diving fast. Your call for your schwarm to break. You look back just in time to see Adelbert break up. His 109 is turned into a fireball as rounds slam into his engine, and his cockpit. Luckily for him one of the rounds hit him in the head killing him instantly before he burned to death.

Fighters are everywhere from friend and foe alike. You see a Yak trailing a 109, and firing away wildly.

"This is Heinz I have three Yak's on my six, I need assistance."

Heinz is your best friend in the Staffel, and your best competitor. You roll over to find him below you and dive in.

"Hang in there Heinz I'm on the way."

Heinz begins turning with the aircraft. He breaks right as you open fire on the trailing 109. His vertical stabilizer is shredded and his plane arches forward, and falls to the Earth spinning.

Heinz tightens his turn but so does the lead Yak. His plane is hit and oil begins to trail. The canopy pops open, an Heinz rolls of the wing.

Open the chute Heinz, you scream in your head. You see the white silk emerge from the parachute, and a sigh of relief is relinquished from inside. But something isn't right. His chute didn't blossom. Heinz has a streamer, and you watch helplessly as your friend falls to his death and impacts the ground.

Welcome to the Dnieper Line, hell on the Eastern Front.
Member of G3MF
III Gruppe, 8 Staffel, JG52, flying Black 12 (Kuban Scenario)

Offline Nefarious

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Re: Battle of the Dnieper Write Up
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2016, 08:34:42 AM »
Great read! Wish I could sign up, I'll try to walk on if I can.
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!

Offline zack1234

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Re: Battle of the Dnieper Write Up
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2016, 10:43:48 AM »
The Battle of the Dnieper will be another defeat for the fascist beasts by the glorious forces of the Soviet Union :salute

Long live the Motherland :salute

There are no pies stored in this plane overnight

Pipz lived in the Wilderness near Ontario