But...human instinct is to...survive. Whether it be Mother Nature Catastrophic or man made...it won't be "such nonsense" to your inner instinct if it happens. Don't you agree it's better to be prepared for say...1 week? Maybe 2? Maybe 2 months? Either way, your biggest regret is a life changing event (your survival) that you COULD have prevented and chose NOT to when you were fat and sassy!
I hear you but I'm afraid I've had 2,no 3 life changing events so far in my life! There was no way to prepare for any of them and I somehow managed to survive.
I grew up in the wilderness in Ontario,really,and not as some may claim.... I know how to survive I just dont think it's worth my time money or effort to plan for a WHAT IF type thing. Well maybe I'm wrong I did sort of prep,I got rid of my debt and even managed to save a few pennies.
I just have a different take on it,if the grid goes down I'll find away around that,if the bomb drops I hope it's on my head,if the zombies come well I dont now,maybe I'd deal with that too.
Life is just too short for me to worry about things out of my control,maybe if you had a life changing event or 2 you'd feel the same way too.
Another thought I just had,I live where there are plenty of resourse and few people,there are relatively few guns so I think I have much less to worry about,if I lived somewhere else I might feel different. Also dont get me wrong if you want to expend the resourses and effort who am I to say it's wrong or silly? It boils down to choices.
Then again I do have family with a large working farm in the middle of nowhere and I know we could all gather there!