Author Topic: And the next scenario should be....  (Read 11417 times)

Offline Zimme83

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #75 on: June 29, 2016, 10:14:50 AM »
Brewsters 109e 110c's  p39s i16s

WINTER WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not very much Winter war, only I-16 flew in the winter war.
An Early continuation war scenario might work, Brewsters vs I-16 (and a few Hurri I on each side)
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Offline LCADolby

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #76 on: June 29, 2016, 11:02:46 AM »
There's a good book with a lot of info on B-29 bombing (Whirlwind: the Air War Against Japan, 1942-1945, by Barrett Tillman).

Interestingly, in the earlier usages of B-29's out of China, there were bombing missions of B-29's that weren't super high alt, where the B-29's met substantial Japanese fighter resistance, and suffered substantial losses.

This got me to thinking that scenarios with B-29's might not be lopsided after all.

The last frame of "The Pacific War" scenario had B-29's, P-51D's, P-38L's, and P-47N's vs. N1K2's, Ki-84's, Ki-61's, A6M5b's, and Bf 110G's (as Ki-45's) -- and it turned out to be OK in terms of balance.  The B-29's were limited to 20k alt, and the numbers were equal between the sides, giving the Japanese 1/3 more fighters than the US (as 25% of the US force were B-29's).

I flew on the Japanese side on that one.  It was fun and worked out OK.  The B-29 isn't as tough as I thought it would be.  I ended up shooting down a couple of B-29's in my Ki-61.

The Axis will be even harder to fill than ever before.
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Offline Bruv119

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #77 on: June 29, 2016, 01:05:05 PM »
Wow has it really been 3 years since that B of B.  Time flies.
The Few ***

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #78 on: June 29, 2016, 04:10:47 PM »

If you don't want to fly in it, just don't show up.


WTG on recruiting for your potential scenario  :rolleyes:

As fighter commander for the last Pacific Scenario...I had a hard enough time recruiting fighter pilots....

Not to mention that your scenario is already biased towards the Allied side  :rolleyes:

I promise you this one goes through, the Japanese side will be a ghost town...I might be there depending on if it turned out to be a 12 hr scenario...just because I love the Jap planeset...but you ain't gonna get anyone else when they see that its a turkey shoot for the Allied side  :bhead

Hell if we want to do something that's been done in the last 2 years why don't we run Malta again  :noid...I bet Ditto is ready to be C.O. for that again  :rolleyes:

I am seeing a definite pushback against the 12hr BOB idea...I'm telling you people it would be one that would go down in the history of AH scenarios as being the most awesome scenario ever just has all the parameters of a super balanced setup and everything...

Or we can come up with another idea that has the Allies at a 55% advantage from the beginning...
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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #79 on: June 29, 2016, 04:17:10 PM »
Here is the write up I had from another thread that I bumped but Brooke scolded me  :uhoh

Its August 1940...

The Battle of Britain is fixing to get nasty...

And the Germans are growing impatient...

The next Aces High Scenario....Adlerangriff ("Eagle Attack") The Battle of Britain will be decided now....

This will be a 12 hour scenario, broken down into 4, 3 hour Frames...

Frame 1 - Aldertag     The assault on radar sites and airfields (We will allow 109 Es to carry bombs like the real battle) Epro 210 also big factor the first 3 hour run...

Frame 2 -  The Greatest Day     Massive bombing runs by the Huns....

Frame 3 - The Hardest Day       More massive bombing....

Frame 4 - Endgame        Raid on London....Followed by the huge furball we had after the last BOB scenario  :rock :rock :rock

Now just like Target for Today there would be a general objective to each frame that must be hit or rather obliterated within the 3 hour frame but that doesn't stop the CO from upping a raid for the next Frame during the prior Frame (see what happened in Target for Today).  There will be a flight window at every hour (cause that's the way it worked best...keeps everyone in action and if your shot down right after an hour window closes it gives you time to eat and stretch your legs)

AND Roc (who will come out of retirement for this one) promised us that after this last scenario (sorry I didn't fly in it...I'm just so sick of Italy) we would get our 12 hour BOB...

This will be the BIG ONE everyone has been waiting for....the OOB and almost everything else is already set up...small logistical things must be worked through but this will be an easy one to set up...

Also I would like to be the first one to call a 109 squadron (called one in another thread...but that doesn't matter now  :devil)

So...I suggest we hurry up and put this one out least by the end of March...give us time (real time) to drum up support for it...


The Battle of Britain

An Aces High Scenario....Coming to a Saturday in June near you!!!!  :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

............................. ................

Ok I'm not going to edit this because I don't have time right now....ROC came back already and I will take the Luftwaffe C.O. position unless Ditto wants it...If he wants to do it then I want the 109 squad that I have already been calling for ages now  :rock
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
CO   Anti-Horde

Offline Brooke

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #80 on: June 29, 2016, 04:58:07 PM »
20k is prob the best alt for B-29:s in such scenario. But my concern is that it's turned into a pickfest were U.S fighters come in at 30k and dive down on the Japanese, never turning or slowing down enough to make a fight out of it.

It worked out OK in frame 4 of the Pacific War.  I think it had a lot to do with balance of fighters.  If a side has bombers and the other side has more fighters, it is hard to protect from all of them.

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #81 on: June 29, 2016, 05:37:32 PM »
Here's my contention with late PTO setups. they're generally not fun.

If the allies are limited to carrier based aircraft, then the Allies struggle against Ki-84's and N1K2's - unless the F4U-4 is used, then the opposite applies. Against the USAAF, the Axis struggles greatly compensating with the Allied speed advantages found in every one of their fighters and the B-29.

Every year one of these awful B-29 setups winds up in FSO and I cringe. I sure as hell won't do any more outside of FSO - and even then I hate them.

Late PTO is not very good in general and even worse with B-29's.
Kommando Nowotny

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #82 on: June 29, 2016, 05:58:46 PM »
Here is the write up I had from another thread that I bumped but Brooke scolded me  :uhoh

Its August 1940...

The Battle of Britain is fixing to get nasty...

And the Germans are growing impatient...

The next Aces High Scenario....Adlerangriff ("Eagle Attack") The Battle of Britain will be decided now....

This will be a 12 hour scenario, broken down into 4, 3 hour Frames...

Frame 1 - Aldertag     The assault on radar sites and airfields (We will allow 109 Es to carry bombs like the real battle) Epro 210 also big factor the first 3 hour run...

Frame 2 -  The Greatest Day     Massive bombing runs by the Huns....

Frame 3 - The Hardest Day       More massive bombing....

Frame 4 - Endgame        Raid on London....Followed by the huge furball we had after the last BOB scenario  :rock :rock :rock

Now just like Target for Today there would be a general objective to each frame that must be hit or rather obliterated within the 3 hour frame but that doesn't stop the CO from upping a raid for the next Frame during the prior Frame (see what happened in Target for Today).  There will be a flight window at every hour (cause that's the way it worked best...keeps everyone in action and if your shot down right after an hour window closes it gives you time to eat and stretch your legs)

AND Roc (who will come out of retirement for this one) promised us that after this last scenario (sorry I didn't fly in it...I'm just so sick of Italy) we would get our 12 hour BOB...

This will be the BIG ONE everyone has been waiting for....the OOB and almost everything else is already set up...small logistical things must be worked through but this will be an easy one to set up...

Also I would like to be the first one to call a 109 squadron (called one in another thread...but that doesn't matter now  :devil)

So...I suggest we hurry up and put this one out least by the end of March...give us time (real time) to drum up support for it...


The Battle of Britain

An Aces High Scenario....Coming to a Saturday in June near you!!!!  :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

............................. ................

Ok I'm not going to edit this because I don't have time right now....ROC came back already and I will take the Luftwaffe C.O. position unless Ditto wants it...If he wants to do it then I want the 109 squad that I have already been calling for ages now  :rock
I'm definitely down to help command a Gruppe of 109's if it's BoB. Sure it's popular, but it attracts players. I'm sure we all agree that we definitely need more players for our scenarios. I believe that either a BoB setup, or an 8thAF vs Luftwaffw will attract a lot of people. Yet, I'm leaning to BoB, and running this setup with the same staff that I just worked with in Dniepler  :salute
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Offline Chris79

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #83 on: June 29, 2016, 06:04:45 PM »


Plane set is a bit thin, I don't know if it has been done before


Offline Molsman

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #84 on: June 29, 2016, 09:34:20 PM »

Is there a reason that it is OVERPLAYED.... YES  it is FUN and Balanced

Just my opinion yes it is fun to play and evenly balanced plane sets but I get bored with BOB set ups cause it seems like we do them a lot over the years with FSO maybe it would be different in a scenario role Ashame the Ava map couldn't be used cause they actually have a map for this with Paris built into it.
JG11, DerWanderZirkus, -The Flying Clowns-
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Offline ROC

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #85 on: June 29, 2016, 10:01:10 PM »
BOB on a 12 hour format would be a completely different game than a multi frame scenario.  Objectives and all, complete rewrite. 
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Online Devil 505

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #86 on: June 29, 2016, 10:04:05 PM »
Also, if the AH3 map has some elevation at the coast like the Cliffs of Dover then there will be even more immersion.
Kommando Nowotny

Offline KCDitto

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #87 on: June 29, 2016, 10:04:51 PM »
Will that be done by then?   :rofl
Ditto  "WHITE 11" JG 11
Battle of Britain Scenario

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #88 on: June 29, 2016, 10:19:12 PM »
BOB on a 12 hour format would be a completely different game than a multi frame scenario.  Objectives and all, complete rewrite.

"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
CO   Anti-Horde

Offline ROC

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Re: And the next scenario should be....
« Reply #89 on: June 29, 2016, 10:49:10 PM »
Also, if the AH3 map has some elevation at the coast like the Cliffs of Dover then there will be even more immersion.
Can't you just imagine flying across the ocean after a major raid over Paris, shot up, missing half your tail, 2 engines out, 2 more smoking and ahead you see the cliffs coming through the haze.  Ahh the potential in the new version, the terrain team has their work cut out for them for sure. 
Would probably be asking too much for a map that, at night, London and Paris light up, and when the air raid sirens go off, Lights Out!  :)
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.