Author Topic: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game  (Read 2011 times)

Offline Mongoose

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2016, 09:14:14 PM »
Adjustments in down times and damage done per bomb could make it still worth while for those that wish to make the run,

<some deleted>

Finding a happy medium where is fun for the buff guys and not so devastating to the country being hit is the trick.

  I think you could make the whole thing easier if you just change the rebuild time.  Make each box of supplies worth ten minutes instead of four.  You still have the impact, but make it easier and quicker to recover. 
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Offline 1stpar3

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2016, 04:13:04 AM »
  I think you could make the whole thing easier if you just change the rebuild time.  Make each box of supplies worth ten minutes instead of four.  You still have the impact, but make it easier and quicker to recover.
I agree with this! While resupplying is easy perks for bombers, increasing the min re supplied could be a improvement! More would do it if it didn't take so much effort. Plus it could initiate a good fight for those that could care less about strats. More C-47s equal easy kills for pickers, thus granting fighters an opportunity to engage the pickers! Instant fur ball
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Offline bustr

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2016, 02:34:04 PM »
The whole C47 thing is over estimated. About once a year you used to run into C47 conga lines to a strat. I've been in several of those years ago where the lancs that hit the HQ loitered on the deck and mowed down our air convoy. Sometimes the escorts would loiter and the muppets used to sneek in NOE 262's just in time to wipe out the C47 convoy until their ammo ran out. The small map that has A30 next to the city was one of the few maps until recently you could still find a C47 convoy easy to get at after you captured A30 and dropped the HQ for 30 minutes.

Now with the HQ needing 100,000lbs of bombs for 5 min down, it's not really a target. Unless you drop the city, then the HQ will be down longer than 5min. Except it takes an incredible number of bombers to get the City and then the HQ down. POTW tried last Tuesday night to accomplish that. It was like taking down the whole combined mega strat in one bomber mission difficult if you could get together a wing to fly bombers. We got the city to 0% after getting the HQ down to about 30%. We just kept hitting the HQ with B24's at it kept sitting there taking it. We eventually gave up and found a furball.

We targeted the 163 base first to take out all of the fuel bunkers or the bomber raid on the HQ wouldn't have worked.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Randy1

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2016, 06:54:37 AM »
Last nights map was a good example of the strat problem.  The bish hit the Rooks strats as soon as the new map went online.  The knits and the bish took advantage of that and double teamed the Rooks vulching the runways continuously.  There were not enough Rook players to defend and resupply.

Maybe it is time to remove hq, the city and the strats.  Another thought, as an example is if the bish take down a Rook strat the knits will see no effect of the bish, start, take down i.e. they will will have bomb the Rook strats to get long down times.

Offline bustr

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2016, 12:32:49 PM »
AH2 is not going to get anymore new codeing.

No one knows what Hitech has decided to do with strat in AH3. We have only seen two converted AH2 maps as the MA and default terrain in the beta to proof the AH2 to AH3 converter, and yes they have the AH2 style strat configuration "right now". No one knows anything about the underlying codeing that controls strat in AH3.

I have also watched for the last 20 months nothing in the alpha or beta concerning terrains is what it is. Hitech changes things with no notice and only wants the new patch tested however it was configured. Anyone seen the new battleship since we tested it for about a week? It is still in the object list in the terrain editor. It candle sticked exactly like the CV does when you hit it with the first salvos or bombs. But, I'm not in here telling Hitech how he should present it to make players not feel cheated every time the 16" salvo slaps their virtual faces in the dirt. That salvo will be a heart breaker on the receiving end.

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Randy1

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #20 on: July 06, 2016, 04:14:16 PM »
Yes, this wish is for AH3 as all wishes are these days.  Wishes are feedback.

Offline JimmyD3

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #21 on: July 06, 2016, 06:29:07 PM »
Randy1 is right something needs to change on the Strats/downtime issue. While I am not privy to the coding changes anymore than anyone else in here, in light of how well Hitech has done with AH3, it would be conceivable that Strat down times, Resupply times are easily changed (NOT hard coded). While I believe the Strats and their vulnerability enhance the game, having a Factory down for 180 minutes really impacts the play ability of the game. :joystick:
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Offline bustr

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #22 on: July 06, 2016, 07:58:27 PM »
Hitech has yet to say anything concrete about how strats will operate in AH3 I've seen. It has always been he was still mulling it over when asked. The only strat testing we did was to run around in them to give Waffle feed back for graphics problems, bad trees and getting stuck while wandering around. Has anyone tested if Hitech has placed the resupply train system back on the ground in NDisles and CraterMA? Seen any truck convoys yet?

Have any of you run a search against Hitech and words like resupply, train, convoy, truck, road and so forth in the old alpha forum and new open beta forum? He has kept to all of his comments about what he was planning to do with code, objects and functions since I started the alpha back in 2014. The caveat is he has done all of it on his time schedule with very little explanation that we could blow out of proportion and mislead the AH2 community about what the final product will look and play like. Remember, the beta is there so we can run around testing it to give him feed back. AH3, have you read anywhere from Hitech a definitive statement yet?

Chances are good it's ready for day one and we will all see what it looks like then. Don't you have faith on day one, all of you will rush in here to out do each other trying to tell him everywhere he got it wrong. And why it will kill AH3 because he didn't listen to you all for the last 2 years? I'm sure he already bought a new fire proof set of PJ's in anticipation.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Randy1

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2016, 05:39:57 AM »
The problem is amplified when the side imbalance is the greatest.  The more players you have the more likely someone is going to hit the strats.

As i posted before, a single 190 can deack a gv base then it is vulnerable for nearly two hours.  No one wants to sit at a gv base for two hours to stop a sneak troop transport.  This is especially true when the player numbers are low.

Offline Easyscor

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #24 on: July 07, 2016, 06:18:45 AM »
Chances are good it's ready for day one and we will all see what it looks like then. Don't you have faith on day one, all of you will rush in here to out do each other trying to tell him everywhere he got it wrong. And why it will kill AH3 because he didn't listen to you all for the last 2 years? I'm sure he already bought a new fire proof set of PJ's in anticipation.
I thought some of us were already telling him what he got wrong in the bug forum.

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Offline bustr

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #25 on: July 07, 2016, 03:29:09 PM »
I thought some of us were already telling him what he got wrong in the bug forum.

Where did I put my Bugsbunny costume?  :airplane: :bolt:

In there he trusts a few of you to help him create a better experience for the rest of us, and not just another player trying to leave their mark on the game for "shiny posterior" reasons...... :O
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline shotgunneeley

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2016, 07:09:51 PM »
My biggest attractions to the MA are flying bombers and hunting bombers. I will gladly spend time to intercept/chase down buffs attacking strat targets. Some maps, however, can be hard to read anf detect incoming bombers. Sometimes the front line is within 1-2 sectors of strat factories spread all over the country; sometimes the terrain is attractive for NOE raids with factories being located along a coast; sometimes a buff set can sneak through and hit a target under the radar cover of a nearby furball.

Right now, a single buff B-17 set is fully capable of reducing a fully stocked factory by 40-50% in a sortie. One radar blip generally doesn't cause much of a stir in a country's defenses as a large raid would. If achieving destruction to a strat target and surviving is my ultimate goal, then I feel going in alone is my best option. I've gone on solo runs plum nearly to the enemy HQs without seeing one defender - I've also joined large bombing raids where we get jumped by a dozen cons before we even make it to enemy air space.

From what I've seen in Beta, it looks like AH3 strats will be far less vulnerable to single attackers as the objects are more dispersed and concealed. I look forward to more incentive for large buff attacks and melees.
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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2016, 08:20:14 PM »
Killing ords and radar with cannon has to go, one plane can kill multiple fields as it is now.

Bombs or a couple of rockets would be required imo.

My ammo last for 6 Lancasters, or one Yak3.
"And the Yak 3 ,aka the "flying Yamato"..."

Offline Zimme83

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #28 on: July 12, 2016, 03:54:58 AM »
My biggest attractions to the MA are flying bombers and hunting bombers. I will gladly spend time to intercept/chase down buffs attacking strat targets. Some maps, however, can be hard to read anf detect incoming bombers. Sometimes the front line is within 1-2 sectors of strat factories spread all over the country; sometimes the terrain is attractive for NOE raids with factories being located along a coast; sometimes a buff set can sneak through and hit a target under the radar cover of a nearby furball.

Right now, a single buff B-17 set is fully capable of reducing a fully stocked factory by 40-50% in a sortie. One radar blip generally doesn't cause much of a stir in a country's defenses as a large raid would. If achieving destruction to a strat target and surviving is my ultimate goal, then I feel going in alone is my best option. I've gone on solo runs plum nearly to the enemy HQs without seeing one defender - I've also joined large bombing raids where we get jumped by a dozen cons before we even make it to enemy air space.

From what I've seen in Beta, it looks like AH3 strats will be far less vulnerable to single attackers as the objects are more dispersed and concealed. I look forward to more incentive for large buff attacks and melees.

A set of B-17:s can get 70% of a factory...
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Offline popeye

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Re: Rethink Strats, City HQ impact on the Game
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2016, 08:48:36 AM »
Killing ords and radar with cannon has to go, one plane can kill multiple fields as it is now.

Bombs or a couple of rockets would be required imo.


It seems to me that functioning radar makes for better fights -- especially when numbers are low.

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