The A5s aren't good for anything but ...
I've flown 190A-5's in scenarios and flown against 190A-5's in scenarios -- they are awesome against their historical fighter adversaries. We had no trouble in A-5's even against Spit IX's. The last three scenarios with 190A-5's in them, the A-5's were the highest scoring group (sometimes by multiples of the kills of the 2nd-highest-scoring group), and in ECA, which had two 190A-5 groups, one was #1 and the other was #2. I think Stampf, Ditto, Charge, and (were they still around) DrBone and IrishOne would all disagree with your opinion of the A-5 in scenarios.
what are we going to ...
I think that the axis has better fighters and that the allies have better bombers, and that in total it balances out. Regardless, these are the plane types that were there.
In particular regarding bombers, I have flown the Ju 88 in scenarios more than any other player. They are a lot better than people think, and (except for Mediterranean Maelstrom) I've done well in them. I like them just fine. They are not as good as B-17's or B-26's in defense, of course, but they carry as much ord as B-17's, and they are better than B-25's in both defense and way better in ord.
"109g6s are the best fighter in the scenario.... They have a 10mph advantage ..."
Having flown scenarios in 190A-5's (against Spit IX's, Spit V's, and Typhoons), 109G's (against P-51's, P-47's, P-38's), and P-38's (against 109G's and 190A-5's), my feeling is that the 190A-5 is best, followed by the 109G, followed by the P-38.
We all know how these types of things turn out ...
Here are the results of all scenarios back to 2004 that had the Luftwaffe as a side. As you can see, it's quite even.
Battle of the Dnieper -- draw
Southern Conquest -- draw
Target for Today -- missed this one
Battle Over the Winter Line -- allies won
Battle of Britain 2013 -- axis won
Mediterranean Maelstrom -- allies won
Der Grosse Schlag II -- axis won
Winter Sky - Death Ground -- axis won
Enemy Coast Ahead -- axis won
Battle Over Germany -- axis won
The Final Battle -- allies won
Red Storm / Krupp Steel -- allies won
Tunisia: Dawn of Battle -- allies won
Battle of Britain 2008 -- axis won
Der Grosse Schlag -- axis won
Operation Husky -- allies won
Battle of Britain 2006 -- axis won
Fire Over Malta -- allies won
Battle of Britain 2004 -- allies won
Cause I'm gonna find every Luftwaffe ringer I can...and I'm gonna get them in a 109...and we are gonna find and kill every Allied fighter, every hour, for 12 hours....
That's the spirit!