Author Topic: Issues  (Read 206 times)

Online Lazerr

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« on: August 15, 2016, 06:16:18 PM »
This is a copy from another thread, just looking for some feedback and answers.

the field of view deal is rough... can't we make this work somewhere between 106 and 80?

Even people currently playing the game are not liking it much...

I fully understand how to change it.  I also fully understand how it won't look as "good" when I do.

Is it a trade-off to see tracers or see bad guys easier?

PS... Being a mouse player in the beta (maybe the only one), whenever I pull up the map, or text buffer, having the crap "mouse commander" mode turn on automatically is really crap.

This is about the 5th time i've posted it.  Can you acknowledge if it even "might" be changed?  I will figure it out either way, but I have abnormally fast fingers accustomed to a keyboard that i special order so my hands rest in the same spot. (Yes, I pay $50.00 for a 8 year old standard keyboard)

Typically if you are flying with a mouse, you are using a keyboard.  Having to hit two keys every time you type or look at a map is rough.

I figured since you made this mouse command mode, you are looking at making things easier for people without gaming gear.

I can assure you that's not the case.  If someone in this game can even get a shot on me using mouse commander mode, I will shut up about it.

Anyone using it will likely be a piece of chum in the MA getting ripped apart and quitting before their trial expires. (even more so, and even quicker than a regular new guy)

if anything, it is even more troublesome for someone using free flight mouse controls.

Think.... new... players.....  Make things easy. 

I hope this doesnt go live before some playability/gameplay things change.. id rather wait longer to see it done right and work in the long run.

Sorry for the hijack, but you should look into this a bit deeper rather than a "new feature".