News and information straight from Major Gen. Doolittle himself.
The transition to AH3 is imminent. All GLs will begin planning the move to forward airfield located in Algeria. Ensure that your pilots have access to AH3 and the latest patch #41. There will likely be several additional patches, but it is important to get patch #41 now.
You can find the patch at the link below;
Aces High 3 Pacth - 41Once you have transitioned to AH3. Get practice in that arena. The staff believes that you will find the performance of the aircraft slightly different from AH2 to AH3. You don't want to find this out on mission day.
Also the Tunisia Terrain map is now available to be loaded in you're own configurable arena for practice and review for AH3.
I need an update on how our recruiting is going. Let me know who we've picked up.
Remember in a week or so, we will transition to the Allied General Forum where we will begin our planning for battle. This is where we will storm, form and norm ourselves into the team that will be the victors.
Let make ready for these moves. If there are any open questions, post them here. If the are any private questions PM me.

Let's make it happen "
Big 12th"